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Satellite data reveal why migrating birds have a small window to spread bird flu

In 2005 an outbreak of the H5N1 'bird flu' virus in South East Asia led to widespread fear with predictions that the intercontinental migration of wild birds could lead to global pandemic. Such fears were never realised, and now research published in the British Ecological Society's Journal of Applied Ecology reveals why the global spread of bird flu by direct migration of wildfowl is unlikely but also provides a new framework for quantifying the risk of avian-borne diseases. The highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu virus is primarily a disease of poultry, often resulting ...

First clinical trials successfully completed on potent new hepatitis C drug

The first clinical trials on a new investigational drug being developed to treat infections caused by Hepatitis C virus have been successfully completed. Completion of the initial phase (phase 1a) of trials of INX-189, discovered and first prepared by researchers at Cardiff University's Welsh School of Pharmacy in 2008, means the chances of it becoming an approved medicine have significantly improved. Approximately 170 million people worldwide are affected with Hepatitis C, which can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis and death. It is the leading cause of liver transplantation ...

Earth from space: Giant iceberg enters Nares Strait

Earth from space: Giant iceberg enters Nares Strait
ESA's Envisat satellite has been tracking the progression of the giant iceberg that calved from Greenland's Petermann glacier on 4 August 2010. This animation shows that the iceberg, the largest in the northern hemisphere, is now entering Nares Strait – a stretch of water that connects the Lincoln Sea and Arctic Ocean with Baffin Bay. The Petermann glacier in northern Greenland is one of the largest of the country's glaciers – and until August it had a 70 km tongue of floating ice extending out into the sea. The glacier regularly advances towards the sea at about 1 km ...

Rutgers-Camden professor engineers E. coli to produce biodiesel

CAMDEN — One mention of E. coli conjures images of sickness and food poisoning, but the malevolent bacteria may also be the key to the future of renewable energy. Desmond Lun, an associate professor of computer science at Rutgers University–Camden, is researching how to alter the genetic makeup of E. coli to produce biodiesel fuel derived from fatty acids. "If we can engineer biological organisms to produce biodiesel fuels, we'll have a new way of storing and using energy," Lun says. Creating renewable energy by making fuels, like making ethanol out of corn, has been ...

Americans struggle with long-term weight loss

Only about one in every six Americans who have ever been overweight or obese loses weight and maintains that loss, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. While that number is larger than most weight-loss clinical trials report, the majority of Americans are still unable to lose weight and keep it off. Identifying those who lose weight and successfully maintain that loss may aid health professionals in developing approaches to help others maintain weight loss, the researchers say. Two-thirds of the United States adult population is overweight, defined ...

Publication of World Health Report 2000 'an act of remarkable courage,' says school expert

Ten years on, Martin McKee reflects on report placed health system performance rankings firmly on political agenda. Martin McKee, Professor of European Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has contributed one of three commentaries appearing today in the journal Health Policy and Planning, each of which take a different perspective on the World Health Report 2000 on health systems (WHR2000). It is ten years since the publication of WHR2000, a controversial document which many at the time believed had been published prematurely, and which introduced ...

GOES-13 satellite sees Hurricane Earl's clouds covering the US Northeast

GOES-13 satellite sees Hurricane Earls clouds covering the US Northeast
Hurricane Earl lashed the North Carolina coast last night and this morning, September 3, and is now headed for Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This morning's image from the GOES-13 satellite saw Hurricane Earl's clouds covering most of the northeastern U.S. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite known as GOES-13 captured an image of Hurricane Earl at 7:32 a.m. EDT this morning, September 3. The image clearly showed a huge Hurricane Earl northeast of North Carolina with cloud cover stretching over the northeastern U.S. A disorganized Fiona was also seen southeast ...

NASA hurricane researchers eye Earl's eye

NASA hurricane researchers eye Earls eye
Hurricane Earl, currently a Category Two storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale with maximum sustained winds of 100 knots (115 miles per hour), continues to push relentlessly toward the U.S. East Coast, and NASA scientists, instruments and spacecraft are busy studying the storm from the air and space. Three NASA aircraft carrying 15 instruments are busy criss-crossing Earl as part of the agency's Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes mission, or GRIP, which continues through Sept. 30. GRIP is designed to help improve our understanding of how hurricanes such as Earl form ...

AgriLife research hibiscus breeder comes up with the blue

AgriLife research hibiscus breeder comes up with the blue
VERNON -- Dr. Dariusz Malinowski is seeing blue, and he is very excited. For four years, Malinowski, an AgriLife Research plant physiologist and forage agronomist in Vernon, has been working with collaborators Steve Brown of the Texas Foundation Seed and Dr. William Pinchak and Shane Martin with AgriLife Research on a winter-hardy hibiscus breeding project. The project was first a private hobby of the inventors and became a part of the strategic plan of the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon in 2009. The flower commercialization is a part ...

Queen's study exposes cognitive effects of Parkinson's disease

Researchers at Queen's University have found that people with Parkinson's disease can perform automated tasks better than people without the disease, but have significant difficulty switching from easy to hard tasks. The findings are a step towards understanding the aspects of the illness that affect the brain's ability to function on a cognitive level. "We often think of Parkinson's disease as being a disorder of motor function," says Douglas Munoz, director of the Queen's Centre for Neuroscience Studies and a Canada Research Chair in Neuroscience. "But the issue is ...

Increase in Cambodia's vultures gives hope to imperiled scavengers

Increase in Cambodias vultures gives hope to imperiled scavengers
While vultures across Asia teeter on the brink of extinction, the vultures of Cambodia are increasing in number, providing a beacon of hope for these threatened scavengers, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other members of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project. Researchers report that record numbers of vultures have been counted in Cambodia's annual vulture census, with 296 birds of three species found at multiple sites across the Northern and Eastern Plains of Cambodia by the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project, a partnership of conservationists ...

Afla-Guard also protects corn crops

Afla-Guard®, a biological control used to thwart the growth of fungi on peanuts, can be used on corn as well, according to a study by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists who helped develop it. After extensive study and research trials in Texas, Afla-Guard® was registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use on corn, beginning with the 2009 crop. Recently retired Agricultural Research Service (ARS) microbiologist Joe Dorner at the National Peanut Research Laboratory in Dawson, Ga., helped develop Afla-Guard®, a biological control for ...

Magnetism's subatomic roots

The modern world -- with its ubiquitous electronic devices and electrical power -- can trace its lineage directly to the discovery, less than two centuries ago, of the link between electricity and magnetism. But while engineers have harnessed electromagnetic forces on a global scale, physicists still struggle to describe the dance between electrons that creates magnetic fields. Two theoretical physicists from Rice University are reporting initial success in that area in a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their new conceptual model, which ...

MIT moves toward greener chemistry

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Phosphorus, a mineral element found in rocks and bone, is a critical ingredient in fertilizers, pesticides, detergents and other industrial and household chemicals. Once phosphorus is mined from rocks, getting it into these products is hazardous and expensive, and chemists have been trying to streamline the process for decades. MIT chemistry professor Christopher Cummins and one of his graduate students, Daniel Tofan, have developed a new way to attach phosphorus to organic compounds by first splitting the phosphorus with ultraviolet light. Their method, ...

Moonstruck primates: Owl monkeys need moonlight as much as a biological clock for nocturnal activity

Moonstruck primates: Owl monkeys need moonlight as much as a biological clock for nocturnal activity
PHILADELPHIA –- An international collaboration led by a University of Pennsylvania anthropologist has shown that environmental factors, like temperature and light, play as much of a role in the activity of traditionally nocturnal monkeys as the circadian rhythm that regulates periods of sleep and wakefulness. The study also indicates that when the senses relay information on these environmental factors, it can influence daily activity and, in the case of a particular monkey species, may have even produced evolutionary change. It is possible, according to the study results, ...

NASA imagery reveals a weaker, stretched out Fiona

NASA imagery reveals a weaker, stretched out Fiona
NASA satellite data has noticed that Tropical Storm Fiona is getting "longer." That is, the storm is elongating in almost a north-south direction, indicating that she's weakening and may not make it through the weekend. Meanwhile, forecasters are watching two other areas for development in the eastern Atlantic this weekend. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, GOES-13 captured an image of Fiona on Friday, Sept. 3 at 10:32 a.m. EDT and the visible image showed a weak circulation in Fiona's center. It also appeared that Fiona's clouds were "stretched" ...

NASA satellite and International Space Station catch Earl weakening

NASA satellites and the International Space Station are keeping eyes on Hurricane Earl as it heads for New England. Watches and Warnings are posted in the U.S. northeast. Having felt the effects of both increasing wind shear and cooler waters, Hurricane Earl weakened to a Category 2 storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale with winds still powerful at 90 knots (104 mph) as it neared the North Carolina coast. It was at this time that the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite captured the data about TRMM's rainfall rates. The rainfall pattern associated with ...

Transition metal catalysts could be key to origin of life, scientists report

Transition metal catalysts could be key to origin of life, scientists report
MBL, WOODS HOLE, MA—One of the big, unsolved problems in explaining how life arose on Earth is a chicken-and-egg paradox: How could the basic biochemicals—such as amino acids and nucleotides—have arisen before the biological catalysts (proteins or ribozymes) existed to carry out their formation? In a paper appearing in the current issue of The Biological Bulletin, scientists propose that a third type of catalyst could have jumpstarted metabolism and life itself, deep in hydrothermal ocean vents. According to the scientists' model, which is experimentally testable, molecular ...

For some women, preventive mastectomies pay off

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Sept. 3) — A long-term study of women with a genetic predisposition for breast or ovarian cancer showed that those who elected major preventive surgeries had a significantly reduced risk of those cancers. The study, published Sept. 1 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirms the view of one of its researchers, Gail Tomlinson, M.D., Ph.D., interim director of the Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Tomlinson said that for women with certain genetic mutations, ...

Death of the "doughnut"

Death of the doughnut
Something has been eating Charlie Kerfoot's doughnut, and all fingers point to a European mollusk about the size of a fat lima bean. No one knew about the doughnut in southern Lake Michigan, much less the mollusk, until Michigan Technological University biologist W. Charles Kerfoot and his research team first saw it in 1998. That's because scientists have always been wary of launching their research vessels on any of the shipwreck-studded Great Lakes in winter. But NASA's new Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project was giving scientists a safer way to ...

"Back to School" Plastic Surgery Season About to Begin

Summer is winding down, and Dr. Eric Mariotti ( is now seeing an increase in consultation requests at his Walnut Creek area plastic surgery practice. With kids heading back to school, parents are finding that their schedules are freeing up and many are making more time for their cosmetic goals. "As a father myself, I understand how busy summers can get for parents," states Dr. Eric Mariotti. "Between watching the kids and working, it can be pretty hard to find time for yourself in the summer months. Early fall is when a lot of people start thinking ...

Galaxie Home Remodeling - Free Installation on Replacement Windows

As the year end deadline looms for President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Galaxie Home Remodeling wants every Chicago Area Homeowner to take advantage of this Federal Tax Credit before it expires. As a further incentive to the federal tax credit, Galaxie is now offering free installation on it's replacement windows. The federal program says that qualifying 'Energy saving" purchases made before the end of this year, are eligible for a 30% credit off of the purchase price, up to $1,500. Galaxie, a full-service home remodeling serving the Greater ...

SurfStream Barreling Wave Machine Debuts in Europe at a Quiksilver and Red Bull Sponsored Event

American Wave Machines, Inc. (AWM), an innovator in artificial wave technology, today announced that for the first time surfboards with fins have been ridden in a surf machine that includes a barreling standing wave. The machine debuted at the Himlabadet Municipal Aquatic Sports and Spa Facility in Sundsvall, Sweden. The machine is another first for AWM and the locals in Sundsvall turned out in force to ride SurfStream at the opening day event sponsored by Quiksilver and Red Bull. The event was a successful live demonstration of the newly patented barreling wave technology ...

Largest Homeschool Blogging Community Upgrades to a Whole New Way of Blogging Life

Recently (HSB)—the largest and free homeschool blog site in the world—got a clean, fresh, new look with an exciting combination of new features, as a result of implementing an important software upgrade. According to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine publisher/owner Gena Suarez, "The plan behind the change is to tie great blogging in with the ever-expanding homeschool community to usher back in the 'blogging craze' that hit when HomeschoolBlogger was launched in 2005. It was a lot of work, we pushed forward, and now we're doing it. This is a major upgrade, ...

Dr. Ava Frick Provides Special Treatments and Comprehensive Health Care for Animals

Nicknamed "St. Louis Animal Whisperer" by NBC TV-DSDK, Dr. Ava Frick is known as a miracle worker for her success in caring for animals. She was awarded by Hartz Mountain as the 2006 Veterinarian of the Year Runner-Up and given the Visionary Award by the Franklin County Humane Society. Her book "Fitness in Motion" created a stir among horse enthusiasts across the globe and she enjoys an excellent reputation for her success in rehabilitating animals. The Animal Fitness Center at 1841 Denmark Road Union, Missouri performs advanced therapy and treatments and with Dr. Frick's ...
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