- Press Release Distribution

Prompt Proofing Blog Post - Writing Business Emails, Part 1

How many emails arrive in your inbox on a daily basis? If you're running a business I would guess the number might be into 3 digits. How do you deal with these? How do you detect and eliminate spam and focus on the messages you really need? Well, what do you know, the recipients of your emails use the same filters! Email is now the dominant means of business communication; some people might like a phone call, but for the most part email is the preferred form of communication. Unlike a phone call, you have a written record of what has been said so there is no confusion ...

Exercise helps women fight smoking cravings, but effect is short-lived

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Dozens of studies on whether moderate exercise can curb the nicotine cravings of women smokers have added up to an apparent contradiction: it seems to work in short-term, well controlled lab experiments, but then fizzles out in treatment trials. A new study may explain why and help researchers devise a practical therapy. The explanation suggested in the results of research led by David Williams, an assistant professor of community health at Brown University, is that while exercise does help improve the mood of smokers and curtail ...

Studies focus on feed ingredient's effects on levels of E. coli O157:H7 in cattle

After corn is processed to make ethanol, what's left of the corn looks something like slightly dampened cornmeal, though a somewhat darker yellow, and not as finely ground. Known as "wet distiller's grains with solubles" (WDGS), this byproduct is sometimes used as a cattle feed ingredient. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists in Clay Center, Neb., are studying the pros and cons of that practice. WDGS are rich in protein, and also provide calories and minerals, according to James E. Wells, a microbiologist with USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Since ...

Venn Digital Announce New Marketing Partnership

Venn Digital Announce New Marketing Partnership
Digital marketing agency Venn Digital has announced the formation of a new partnership with email marketing agency Profunnel to deliver new "Marketing Automation" software to boost the success of their clients' email marketing campaigns. Venn Digital has built a strong reputation as a digital marketing agency that delivers the desired results of their clients. Their wide experience and expertise in creating effective digital marketing strategies enables them to build bespoke campaigns tailored to attain the exact goals of their clients. Profunnel are equally ...

LSU researchers study methods to use river sediment to repair the coast

BATON ROUGE – They say that time and tide wait for no man – well, neither does the mighty Mississippi River. As the already gargantuan body of water swells beyond its normal manmade boundaries, the state of Louisiana is starting to see impact after having seen the damage already done to states from Missouri to Mississippi. While near record-breaking water levels are expected any day now and safety precautions are being taken, one LSU professor explained how the river's meandering historic path and silty contents might offer a future ray of hope. "Historically, the Mississippi ...

Record efficiency of 18.7 percent for flexible CIGS solar cells on plastics

It's all about the money. To make solar electricity affordable on a large scale, scientists and engineers worldwide have long been trying to develop a low-cost solar cell, which is both highly efficient and easy to manufacture with high throughput. Now a team at Empa's Laboratory for Thin Film and Photovoltaics, led by Ayodhya N. Tiwari, has made a major step forward. "The new record value for flexible CIGS solar cells of 18.7% nearly closes the "efficiency gap" to solar cells based on polycrystalline silicon (Si) wafers or CIGS thin film cells on glass", says Tiwari. He ...

New commitments to save women and children

GENEVA, 19 May 2011: Today 16 countries announced new commitments to dramatically reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality, as part of the Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health. "Political and financial support for action on women's and children's health is reaching new and encouraging heights. The commitments build on the momentum of recent months, and prove that saving the lives of the most vulnerable can attract support at the highest levels," says Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary-General, who is leading the Every Woman Every Child campaign ...

Antibody production gets confused during long-term spaceflight

Bethesda, MD—The trip to Mars just got a little more difficult now that French researchers have discovered that antibodies used to fight off disease might become seriously compromised during long-term space flight. In a new report published online in the FASEB Journal (, the scientists show that antibodies produced in space are less effective than those produced on terra firma. The reduced effectiveness of antibodies makes astronauts more susceptible to illness, while increasing the danger posed by bacteria and viruses likely to coexist with wayfaring ...

Poll finds most americans favor increased funding for stronger food safety oversight

Among likely voters surveyed across the nation, 66 percent support additional funding for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to carry out new responsibilities related to food safety, according to a Pew-commissioned poll released today by the bipartisan team of Hart Research and American Viewpoint. In addition, 74 percent feel it is worth a one-to-three percent increase in the cost of food to pay for new safety measures in the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, which became law this year. Further, 70 percent of those surveyed favor food companies paying an average ...

Eliminate Dry Skin on the Controversial HCG Diet

Eliminate Dry Skin on the Controversial HCG Diet
The newly approved Tiffalina's HCG Diet Safe Lotion is the first of its kind to meet the strict guidelines of the HCG Diet. According to Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, the creator of the HCG Diet Protocol, products that contain fats or oils such as lotion, liquid foundation, lip balm, etc., will hinder the rapid weight loss typically achieved on the HCG Diet. In Dr. Simeons' manuscript, Pounds and Inches Away: A New Approach to Obesity, he states that "...fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to the skin are absorbed and interfere with weight reduction by HCG just as if ...

Animal results may pave way to treating rare mitochondrial diseases in children

A human drug that both prevents and cures kidney failure in mice sheds light on disabling human mitochondrial disorders, and may represent a potential treatment in people with such illnesses. "There are no effective cures for mitochondrial diseases, even in animals," said study leader Marni J. Falk, M.D., who cares for children in the Mitochondrial-Genetics Disease Clinic at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "So these striking results in mice may suggest a novel therapy of direct relevance for humans." Falk and colleagues published their study online May 5 in ...

Bearing through it: How caregivers of mentally ill kin can cope

Bearing through it: How caregivers of mentally ill kin can cope
This release is available in French. Montreal, May 19, 2010 – Caring for a family member with a mental illness can be a taxing experience marked by personal sacrifices and psychological problems. A new study from Concordia University, AMI-Québec and the University of British Columbia has found family caregivers can experience high levels of stress, self-blame, substance abuse and depressive symptoms – unless they refocus their priorities and lighten their load. "Being the principal caregiver to a mentally ill family member is a stressor that often creates high ...

Report outlines successes, challenges in cancer prevention efforts

ATLANTA – May 19, 2011 – A new report from the American Cancer Society details cancer control efforts and outlines improvements as well as gaps in preventive behavior that contribute to cancer mortality. Increasing rates of obesity observed since the early 1980s appear to have slowed in the past decade, particularly among women and girls, but nearly one in five adolescents and about one in three adults is obese. Vaccination against the virus that causes cervical cancer is up, but smoking declines have stalled. Meanwhile, proven cancer screening tests remain underutilized, ...

Cell phone use may reduce male fertility

Men who have been diagnosed with poor sperm quality and who are trying to have children should limit their cell phone use. Researchers have found that while cell phone use appears to increase the level of testosterone circulating in the body, it may also lead to low sperm quality and a decrease in fertility. "Our findings were a little bit puzzling," says Rany Shamloul, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology and lead researcher on the project. "We were expecting to find different results, but the results we did find suggest that there ...

Eat a protein-rich breakfast to reduce food cravings, prevent overeating later, researcher finds

Eat a protein-rich breakfast to reduce food cravings, prevent overeating later, researcher finds
COLUMBIA, Mo. – A University of Missouri researcher has found that eating a healthy breakfast, especially one high in protein, increases satiety and reduces hunger throughout the day. In addition, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) the researchers found that eating a protein-rich breakfast reduces the brain signals controlling food motivation and reward-driven eating behavior. "Everyone knows that eating breakfast is important, but many people still don't make it a priority," said Heather Leidy, assistant professor in the MU Department of Nutrition and ...

Singles Dating Sites Enter a Whole New Era in the Upcoming Year: The Next Wave of Social Interaction and Relationships Has Arrived Through Online Dating Sites - Gather Dating Sites Information Here!

Singles dating sites have grown so much in popularity over the past 10 years with the emergence of social networking sites. It is so much more important now to carefully research each singles dating sites before spending your hard earned money to find that special someone. There are literally hundreds of online dating sites that fill the pages of the Internet. In my many years of research I've evaluated singles dating site after singles dating site to come to one main conclusion. An online date site can have all the bells and whistles, but without a sufficient member ...

Dietary inorganic nitrate may reduce heart dysfunction caused by powerful anti-cancer drug

RICHMOND, Va. (May 19, 2011) – Virginia Commonwealth University researchers have found that nutrient supplementation, like the kind that is found in leafy greens, spinach and lettuce, may reduce the damage to the heart caused by a powerful anti-cancer drug. Since the 1960s, the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin has remained a top choice for chemotherapy because of its superior efficacy to fight cancer. However, the drug is known to lead to permanent heart damage. Currently, there is no Food and Drug Administration-approved therapy for prevention or treatment of heart damage ...

OwnDepot Announces "Defend" a Revolutionary Event Marketing Program for Insurance Professionals

OwnDepot, a home management solution and personal asset documentation protection company announced a new marketing program designed to keep home protection top of mind. The new program, called DEFEND searches for and follows catastrophic events, and offers free home protection services to those fortunate enough to be spared from any tragedy. "It is a bit like the storm chasers," said Brett Langlinais COO of OwnDepot. "Home Protection is top of mind right after a near miss. If you have a tornado in a nearby town or a flood in a nearby county, you realize that ...

Research ship Polarstern returns from Antartica

Bremerhaven, 19 May 2011. The research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will arrive back at its homeport of Bremerhaven after a seven-month expedition on Friday, 20 May. Nearly 200 researchers from institutes in 15 countries took part in the expedition. The oceanographers on board conducted measurements showing that warming of the water in the deep Weddell Sea continues further. The observations of biologists indicated that organisms in the Antarctic adapt very slowly to changes in the environment. The ...

Is fear deficit a harbinger of future psychopaths?

Psychopaths are charming, but they often get themselves and others in big trouble; their willingness to break social norms and lack of remorse means they are often at risk for crimes and other irresponsible behaviors. One hypothesis on how psychopathy works is that it has to do with a fear deficit. A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that children with a particular risk factor for psychopathy don't register fear as quickly as healthy children. The hypothesis ...

Casino Online Reveals Best Online Casinos

Almost all online casinos offer attractive bonuses for drawing more players. For players it is essential to go beyond the attraction of big bonus and know comprehensively and objectively the best online casino environment to play in a totally safe and protected environment without having to forego their privacy while safeguarding personal information. With the help of the online casino reviews players can choose the most reliable casinos where you can get the highest casino experience. Casino Online has now updated the list of their best trusted online casinos. Only ...

Curcumin compound improves effectiveness of head and neck cancer treatment, U-M study finds

Curcumin compound improves effectiveness of head and neck cancer treatment, U-M study finds
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A primary reason that head and neck cancer treatments fail is the tumor cells become resistant to chemotherapy drugs. Now, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that a compound derived from the Indian spice curcumin can help cells overcome that resistance. When researchers added a curcumin-based compound, called FLLL32, to head and neck cancer cell lines, they were able to cut the dose of the chemotherapy drug cisplatin by four while still killing tumor cells equally as well as the higher dose of cisplatin ...

My Wedding Favors Now Makes Winter Dreams Come True and Gives Wedding Guests a Scenic View

My Wedding Favors Now Makes Winter Dreams Come True and Gives Wedding Guests a Scenic View
Two packaging options. Two different price points. The same fine-quality wedding favor., a premier online retailer of wedding favors, baby shower favors and wedding accessories, announces the addition of "Simply Elegant" wedding favors and more from preferred vendor and nationally acclaimed favor designer Kate Aspen. "As always, Kate Aspen's newly launched favors give brides what they absolutely want--spectacularly designed, top-quality favors at affordable prices. I think the idea of offering the same favor in two different packaging ...

Validating preschool programs for children with autism

CORAL GABLES, FL (May 19, 2011)—Researchers from the University of Miami (UM) Department of Psychology participated in a multi-site study to examine different teaching models for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The study is one of the first to look at the fidelity of treatment models for preschoolers with autism. The findings are published online in the current issue of the journal Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. The report concludes the first phase of a four-year project to analyze the comparative efficacy of preschool programs for children with ...

Researchers connect electrical brain disturbances to worse outcomes following neurotrauma

CINCINNATI—Electrical disturbances that spread through an injured brain like tsunamis have a direct link to poor recovery and can last far longer than previously realized, researchers at the University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Institute (UCNI) have found. The disturbances, known as cortical spreading depolarizations, are short-circuits (electrical failures) that occur in a localized, or specific, area of injury and result in dampened brain waves. Because of their localization, the depolarizations are invisible in routine electroencephalography (EEG) exams. But they ...
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