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Trying to limit calories? Skip the dip, researchers advise

Trying to limit calories? Skip the dip, researchers advise
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Snacks provide, on average, about one-fourth of most people’s daily calories. With nearly one in three adults in the United States overweight and more than two in five with obesity, according to the National Institutes of Health, researchers in the Penn State Sensory Evaluation Center are investigating how Americans can snack smarter. The latest study conducted in the center, housed in the College of Agricultural Sciences, investigated how eating behavior changes when consumers are served a dip with a salty snack. The findings, available online now and to be published in the November issue ...

Innovation Crossroads welcomes seven entrepreneurs for Cohort 2024

Innovation Crossroads welcomes seven entrepreneurs for Cohort 2024
Seven entrepreneurs comprise the next cohort of Innovation Crossroads, a Department of Energy Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program node based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The program provides energy-related startup founders from across the nation with access to ORNL’s unique scientific resources and capabilities, as well as connect them with experts, mentors and networks to accelerate their efforts to take their world-changing ideas to the marketplace. “Supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs is part of ORNL’s ...

American College of Rheumatology opens press registration for ACR Convergence 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                        Aug. 1, 2024     Media Contact:   Monica McDonald  (404) 365-2162           American College of Rheumatology Opens Press Registration for ACR Convergence 2024     ATLANTA – Complimentary press registration is now open for journalists to cover research presented at ACR Convergence 2024, taking place Nov. 14-19 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. A listing of sessions for the meeting can be found in the online program.        Approved ...

Half a billion-year-old spiny slug reveals the origins of mollusks

Half a billion-year-old spiny slug reveals the origins of mollusks
UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL 19:00 BST / 14:00 ET THURSDAY 1 AUGUST 2024   Images available via link in the notes section   Exceptional fossils with preserved soft parts reveal that the earliest molluscs were flat, armoured slugs without shells. The new species, Shishania aculeata was covered with hollow, organic, cone-shaped spines. The fossils preserve exceptionally rare detailed features which reveal that these spines were produced using a sophisticated secretion system that is shared with annelids (earthworms and relatives). A team of researchers including scientists from the University of Oxford have made an astonishing discovery of ...

Award-winning research maps the body’s internal sensory communication highway

When the question is “how are you feeling on the inside?,” it’s our vagus nerve that offers the answer.   But how does the body’s longest cranial nerve, running from brain to large intestine, encodes sensory information from the visceral organs? For his work investigating and mapping this internal information highway, Qiancheng Zhao is the 2024 grand prize winner of the Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation.   Interoception—the body’s ability to sense its internal state in a timely and precise manner—facilitated by the vagus plays a key role in respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune ...

Current Andean glacier loss is unprecedented in the Holocene

Andean tropical glaciers are experiencing unprecedented retreat, according to a new study that reveals their current sizes are the smallest in over 11,700 years. “Our finding … identifies this region as a hot spot in our understanding of the changing state of the cryosphere,” say the authors. Glaciers act as important indicators of climate change, with their global retreat accelerating over recent decades. Examining this retreat in the context of the previous 11,700 years of the Holocene interglacial highlights the impact of modern global warming. Although many glaciers worldwide are smaller today compared to ...

New fossil resembling a bristly durian fruit reveals insights into the origin of molluscan skeletons

The early evolution of mollusks has been hard to pin down, but now a newly discovered fossil – of a shell-less, soft-bodied, spiny mollusk from the early Cambrian – provides crucial insights, researchers report. The findings suggest that this fossil, of a creature called Shishania aculeata, is a stem mollusk – representative of an intermediate between early members of the superphylum lophotrochozoans and more derived mollusks. Mollusks are one of the most diverse groups of animals, encompassing various well-known forms such as clams, ...

CLEAR: a new approach to 3D printing materials with highly entangled polymer networks

Researchers have developed a novel approach to three-dimensional (3D) printing they call “CLEAR,” which significantly improves the strength and durability of materials by using a combination of light and dark chemical reactions to create densely entangled polymer chains. The authors used their approach to print structures with special features, such as the ability to adhere to wet tissues. Incorporation of polymer chain entanglements as reinforcements within 3D printed materials can significantly enhance their mechanical properties. However, traditional vat photopolymerization-based 3D printing techniques, such as digital ...

Genetic insights into how prickles develop across different plants, despite evolutionary separation

The evolutionary gain and loss of plant prickles – sharp pointed epidermal outgrowths – are controlled by a shared genetic program involving cytokinin biosynthesis, researchers report. The study sheds light on the genetic basis of the emergence of similar traits in distantly related organisms and reveals genomic targets for prickle removal for crop improvement. The genetic basis of trait convergence is a central question in evolutionary biology, and the extent to which it is driven by ...

Climate anomalies may play a major role in driving cholera pandemics

Climate anomalies may play a major role in driving cholera pandemics
New research suggests that an El Niño event may have aided the establishment and spread of a novel cholera strain during an early 20th-century pandemic, supporting the idea that climate anomalies could create opportunities for the emergence of new cholera strains. Xavier Rodo of Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona, Spain, and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Since 1961, more than 1 million people worldwide have died in an ongoing cholera pandemic, the seventh cholera ...

Study shows link between asymmetric polar ice sheet evolution and global climate

Study shows link between asymmetric polar ice sheet evolution and global climate
Recent joint research led by Professor AN Zhisheng from the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has revealed the pivotal role of the growth of the Antarctic ice sheet and associated Southern Hemisphere sea ice expansion in triggering the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (MPT). It has also shown how asymmetric polar ice sheet evolution affects global climate. The MPT refers to a shift in Earth’s climate system between about ~1.25–0.7 million years ago, marking a shift to more pronounced and regular ...

When it comes to DNA replication, humans and baker’s yeast are more alike than different

When it comes to DNA replication, humans and baker’s yeast are more alike than different
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Aug. 1, 2024) — Humans and baker’s yeast have more in common than meets the eye, including an important mechanism that helps ensure DNA is copied correctly, reports a pair of studies published in the journals Science and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The findings visualize for the first time a molecular complex — called CTF18-RFC in humans and Ctf18-RFC in yeast — that loads a “clamp” onto DNA to keep parts of the replication machinery from falling off the DNA strand. It is the latest discovery from longtime collaborators Huilin Li, Ph.D., of Van Andel Institute, ...

Aging-related genomic culprit found in Alzheimer’s disease

Aging-related genomic culprit found in Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a way to capture the effects of aging in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. They have devised a method to study aged neurons in the lab without a brain biopsy, an advancement that could contribute to a better understanding of the disease and new treatment strategies. The scientists transformed skin cells taken from patients with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease into brain cells called neurons. Late-onset Alzheimer’s ...

Andean glaciers have retreated to lowest levels in 11,700 years, news study finds

Andean glaciers have retreated to lowest levels in 11,700 years, news study finds
Chestnut Hill, Mass (8/1/2024) – Rocks recently exposed to the sky after being covered with prehistoric ice show that tropical glaciers have shrunk to their smallest size in more than 11,700 years, revealing the tropics have already warmed past limits last seen earlier in the Holocene age, researchers from Boston College report today in the journal Science. Scientists have predicted glaciers would melt, or retreat, as temperatures warm in the tropics – those regions bordering the Earth’s ...

States consider new science-backed solution to save time and money on concrete infrastructure repair

States consider new science-backed solution to save time and money on concrete infrastructure repair
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — A Purdue University invention that may shorten construction timelines and increase long-term durability of concrete highways, bridges and other transportation infrastructure is emerging as a viable alternative to methods that have been used for decades to estimate when newly poured concrete is mature enough to withstand heavy loads such as those from trucks and other vehicles. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Committee on Materials and Pavements (AASHTO COMP) has approved the Purdue-developed method as a new national ...

New England Journal of Medicine letter shows plant protein beats animal protein

BOSTON—Plant-based proteins have major health advantages over animal-based proteins, according to a New England Journal of Medicine letter to the editor by Neal D. Barnard, MD, published Aug. 1, 2024. New findings show that all plants contain all essential amino acids, in contrast to the common but mistaken belief that plants lack one or more amino acids. Of the 20 amino acids that are the building blocks of protein, nine cannot be produced by the human body. All are found in plant sources. “In addition, plant-based ...

August issues of APA journals cover new research on PTSD, suicide, personal recovery, eating disorders, and more

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 1, 2024 — The latest issues of three American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, and Focus are now available online. The August issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry brings together research on PTSD, phobias, suicide attempts, and psychiatric vulnerabilities. Highlights include:   Neurobiology and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Testing Quantitative and Qualitative Sex Effects in a National Swedish Twin-Sibling Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Sexual Identity Continuity and Change in a U.S. National Probability Sample of Sexual Minority Adults: Associations ...

Angel Martí elected fellow of the American Chemical Society

Angel Martí elected fellow of the American Chemical Society
By Jade Boyd Special to Rice News Rice University’s Angel Martí has been elected a fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), one of his discipline’s highest honors. Martí, professor and department chair of chemistry, is among 37 newly elected fellows announced by ACS this week. With more than 200,000 members in 140 countries, ACS is one of the largest scientific organizations. Fewer than 1% of its members are fellows, a distinction reserved for those with exemplary records of both service to the society and outstanding scientific or professional achievement. Martí joined ...

Rice, DOE labs tackle knowledge gap in materials science research

Rice, DOE labs tackle knowledge gap in materials science research
HOUSTON – (August 1, 2024) – Materials behave differently in different size regimes, and researchers tend to cluster their efforts either at the nanoscale, examining materials in atom-level detail, or at the microscale, looking at structures between three and five orders of magnitude greater. However, less is known about what happens in the “in-between” realm spanning from 10 billionths to 1 millionth of a meter. “We call this the mesoscale,” said Rice University materials scientist Lane Martin, who together with collaborators at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National ...

ACM publishes first issue of Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering

ACM publishes first issue of Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has recently published the first issue of Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering (PACSME), a new Gold Open Access journal publishing top-quality, original research on all aspects of software engineering, from requirements elicitation to quality assessment, design, maintenance, evolution, and deployment. PACMSE covers a broad range of topics and methods that help conceive, create, and maintain better software be it embedded, cloud-based, mobile and ubiquitous, or runs on conventional computers. “The overarching goal of the new PACSME journal is to make ...

Barriers complicate exercise for disability community

Barriers complicate exercise for disability community
An estimated 16% of people worldwide live with a significant disability that impacts their daily life. Of this population, only about 40% engage in aerobic activity. Due to this lack of exercise, people with disabilities (PWD) are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer and are at higher risk of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. “Many PWD struggle with psychological issues such as low self-esteem and negative body image, which can further reduce their motivation to participate in exercise activities, especially in public places ...

Venezuelan crisis has negatively affected country’s Internet

As the Venezuelan crisis intensifies, researchers and policy experts have worked to understand its ramifications on the country’s politics, economics, health services, water security, infrastructure and more. Now, Northwestern University computer scientists have comprehensively examined the effects of the crisis on a previously unexplored area: the Internet. In a new study, the researchers found the crisis has significantly — and negatively — affected Venezuela’s Internet infrastructure and connectivity. Compared to the ...

COSPAR 2024: Embracing team spirit in space research

The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) has successfully concluded its 45th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Busan, Korea, held from 13 to 21 July. This prestigious event brought together more than 3,000 experts and leaders from 55 countries in all major fields of space science, under the theme “Team Spirit in Space Research”. This biennial event, actively supported by major space organizations, is a benchmark for fostering dialogue and collaboration within the global space science community. Bringing space leaders together Of particular note this time was the showcasing of ...

'Cowpuppy' takes readers into secret world of cows

Cowpuppy takes readers into secret world of cows
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University, moved from Atlanta to a farm an hour south of the city. His reinvention from city dweller to farmer led to his upcoming book “Cowpuppy: An Unexpected friendship and a Scientist’s Journey into the Secret World of Cows.” Set for publication by Harper Collins on August 20, the book describes Berns’ crash course to becoming a cattleman and his ongoing fascination with the interior world of cows. Berns originally bought a few cows to keep the grass in the ...

Warming stops tiny organisms working together

Warming stops tiny organisms working together
Hotter conditions prevent two tiny organisms working together for mutual benefit, new research shows. University of Exeter scientists studied a single-celled organism (Paramecium bursaria) which can absorb and host algae (Chlorella spp). This pairing is common in freshwater worldwide, and their symbiotic relationship provides benefits including trading of nutrients and protection for the algae. But when scientists made the water 5°C warmer, the partnership stopped working – and the results suggest the algae may even become parasitic. The breakdown of such relationships could have a major impact on ecosystems. “This ...
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