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More complex than we thought: The body's reaction to contact allergens

Hair dye, perfume, jewellery. Beautifying to most, but for some they are equivalent to rashes, irritation and reduced quality of life. Together with hay fever and food allergies, allergic contact dermatitis due to exposure to e.g. nickel and perfume ingredients represents the majority of allergic reactions seen among Danes. Traditionally, researchers have distinguished between immediate and delayed allergic reactions, depending on which parts of the immune system that is responsible for the reaction. E.g., hay fever and food allergies are 'immediate' forms that cause immediate symptoms, whereas it can take days before the skin reacts to things like nickel and perfume. But now a new study ...

Escort services and strip clubs don't increase sex crimes

A new paper in The Economic Journal, published by by Oxford University Press, indicates that the presence of adult entertainment establishments may decrease sex crimes, significantly. The role of entertainment establishments (strip clubs, escort services, adult bookstores, and adult movie theaters) in communities is controversial. Citizens often view them as centers of vice. While some have suggested that these clubs and services may improve behavior if people use them instead of committing sex crimes, such establishments may reinforce the view of women as objects, leading to more violence against them. This paper exploits a unique data set of high frequency precinct level crime information from New York City, due to its controversial stop-and-frisk policing policy. The researchers ...

Resilience, not collapse: What the Easter Island myth gets wrong

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- New research from Binghamton University, State University of New York suggests that the demographic collapse at the core of the Easter Island myth didn't really happen. You probably know this story, or a version of it: On Easter Island, the people cut down every tree, perhaps to make fields for agriculture or to erect giant statues to honor their clans. This foolish decision led to a catastrophic collapse, with only a few thousand remaining to witness the first European boats landing on their remote shores in 1722. But did the demographic collapse at the core of the Easter Island myth really happen? The answer, according to new research by Binghamton ...

A new approach to metastatic melanoma discovered

Combining chemotherapy and BRAF oncogene inhibitors is a very effective strategy for fighting metastatic melanoma, the leading cause of death from skin cancer in the world. This has been demonstrated in a study by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Hospital del Mar, and CIBER Cancer (CIBERONC), in collaboration with the Bellvitge Medical Research Institute (ICO-IDIBELL), which has just been published in the journal Oncogene. The study, which involved the IMIM's Stem Cells and Cancer Research Group and doctors from the Dermatology and Pathology Departments at Hospital del Mar, analysed what effect ...

The user journey behind socially electric live event experience

Researchers from University of Bath, University of Melbourne, and King's College London published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that explains a four-stage process that can help firms create pleasurable social atmospheres for consumers. The study, forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing, is titled "Social Atmospheres: How Interaction Ritual Chains Create Effervescent Experiences of Place" and is authored by Tim Hill, Robin Canniford, and Giana Eckhardt. Across the globe, restrictions on live events have affected the experience economy and entertainment industries. Simultaneously, the empty seats and eerie silence in sports ...

USC study shows dire impacts downstream of Nile River dam

USC study shows dire impacts downstream of Nile River dam
Rapid filling of a giant dam at the headwaters of the Nile River -- the world's biggest waterway that supports millions of people -- could reduce water supplies to downstream Egypt by more than one-third, new USC research shows. A water deficit of that magnitude, if unmitigated, could potentially destabilize a politically volatile part of the world by reducing arable land in Egypt by up to 72%. The study projects that economic losses to agriculture would reach $51 billion. The gross domestic product loss would push unemployment to 24%, displacing lots of people and disrupting economies. "Our study forecasts dire water supply impacts downstream, causing what would be the largest ...

Families caring for dying relatives at home need better support with medication management

The findings of the study, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and led by Professor Kristian Pollock from the University of Nottingham, are published in Palliative Medicine. When somebody is seriously ill and dying at home, managing their medications can be a difficult and complex task. This is made more difficult given that the care often needs to be given when patients and their families are tired and emotional. Family members are often assumed to be willing and able to support patients with their medication. However, little is known about what ...

Athletes may have more than twice the risk of irregular heart rhythm

Athletes may have more than twice the risk of irregular heart rhythm Younger athletes are at greater risk of atrial fibrillation than older athletes, say researchers Athletes appear to be almost two and half times more likely than non-athletes to experience irregular heart rhythms (atrial fibrillation), suggests new research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. In addition, those athletes involved in mixed sports such as football, rugby or netball appear to have the highest risk when compared with athletes taking part in endurance sports such as Nordic skiing, orienteering or rowing. Previous ...

"Modest" increase in heart attack hospitalization rates after years of decline

The burden of hospital admission rates due to heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) in England rose between 2012 and 2016, despite decades of falling rates, suggests new research published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Researchers also found that after 2010-2011, rates increased in most age groups and young women aged 35 to 49 and even younger men aged 15 to 34 were the groups that showed the sharpest increases in hospitalisation rates for heart attacks in the last five years of the study. Death rates from coronary heart disease and heart attacks have been declining in England and other countries since the 1980s. Despite this, coronary heart disease is still a large cause of ...

Men appear to bully more commonly than women in academic medicine

A greater proportion of men than women exhibit bullying behaviours during medical training and academic practice, and only a minority of victims report their experiences, suggests new research published in the online journal BMJ Open. Previous studies have reported that bullying is common in medicine with likely impacts on mental health, professional interactions, and career advancement. Surveys from the UK's NHS have reported 55% of staff experienced bullying and around a third were doctors in training. The prevalence of academic bullying within medical ...

New study supports medical safety of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

New study supports medical safety  of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medically safe mental health intervention, according to a new study led by CAMH researcher Dr. Tyler Kaster as part of his doctoral studies at ICES and the University of Toronto. The study was published today in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry, and is among the largest and most comprehensive to compare the safety of ECT with standard treatment amongst individuals with depression. Multiple studies over a period of decades have confirmed the effectiveness of ECT as a mental health intervention for people with treatment-resistant depression. Up to 80 per cent of people with severe depression who receive ECT achieve remission. However, despite this success rate, only one per cent of people with severe depression ever ...

When a single tree makes a difference

A single tree along a city street or in a backyard can provide measurable cooling benefits, according to a new study from American University. The research shows that "distributed" trees, those that are stand-alone and scattered throughout urban neighborhoods, can help to reduce evening heat. The research suggests that planting individual trees can be a strategy to mitigate urban heat, particularly in areas where land for parks can be scarce. "There are plenty of good reasons to plant trees, but our study shows we shouldn't underestimate the role that individual trees can play in mitigating heat in urban areas," said Michael ...

Do more visits with kidney specialists improve dialysis patient-reported outcomes?

Highlights Patients with kidney failure did not report better experience with care from more frequent face-to-face visits with kidney specialists at dialysis facilities. In fact, more frequent visits were linked with slightly lower patient-reported experiences with kidney-related care. Washington, DC (July 12, 2021) -- In a recent analysis, more frequent kidney specialists' visits to clinics where patients with kidney failure undergo outpatient hemodialysis were not associated with more favorable patient-reported experiences with care. In fact, more frequent visits were associated with slightly lower patient-reported experiences. The findings will appear in an upcoming ...

Discovery of 10 faces of plasma leads to new insights in fusion and plasma science

Discovery of 10 faces of plasma leads to new insights in fusion and plasma science
Scientists have discovered a novel way to classify magnetized plasmas that could possibly lead to advances in harvesting on Earth the fusion energy that powers the sun and stars. The discovery by theorists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) found that a magnetized plasma has 10 unique phases and the transitions between them might hold rich implications for practical development. The spatial boundaries, or transitions, between different phases will support localized wave excitations, the researchers found. "These findings could lead to possible applications of these exotic excitations ...

Emotions and culture are most important for acceptance of carnivore management strategies

Emotions and culture are most important for acceptance of carnivore management strategies
Emotions towards and cultural importance of large carnivores are better predictors of the acceptance of management strategies by local communities than the extent of livestock depredation. This is the result of a new interdisciplinary investigation led by scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW). They conducted 100 questionnaires with Maasai pastoralists in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, focusing on three large carnivore species (spotted hyenas, lions and leopards) and three management strategies (no action, relocation and lethal control). An emphasis on socio-cultural variables is key to ...

Phasecraft reveals a more efficient method for modelling electrons in materials

Phasecraft reveals a more efficient method for modelling electrons in materials
One of the most significant challenges in the global R&D effort towards better energy technologies -- efficient and accurate material simulation -- may be one step closer to being solved, based on new techniques released by UK-based quantum software startup Phasecraft. The new peer-reviewed study in the Physical Review B journal from the American Physical Society sets out a novel technique for modelling fermionic particles -- like electrons -- which significantly reduces the quantum hardware resources needed to perform simulations. Phasecraft's Joel Klassen, who co-led the study, explained, "One of the most exciting potential applications for quantum computing ...

Study shows forests play greater role in depositing toxic mercury across the globe

Study shows forests play greater role in depositing toxic mercury across the globe
LOWELL, Mass. - Researchers led by a UMass Lowell environmental science professor say mercury measurements in a Massachusetts forest indicate the toxic element is deposited in forests across the globe in much greater quantities than previously understood. The team's results underscore concern for the health and well-being of people, wildlife and waterways, according to Prof. Daniel Obrist, as mercury accumulating in forests ultimately runs off into streams and rivers, ending up in lakes and oceans. Mercury is a highly toxic pollutant that threatens fish, birds, mammals and humans. Hundreds of tons of it are ...

Marijuana legalization linked to temporary decrease in opioid-related emergency visits

Marijuana legalization linked to temporary decrease in opioid-related emergency visits
PITTSBURGH, July 12, 2021 - States that legalize recreational marijuana experience a short-term decline in opioid-related emergency department visits, particularly among 25- to 44-year-olds and men, according to an analysis led by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Published today in the journal Health Economics, the study shows that even after the temporary decline wears off, recreational cannabis laws are not associated with increases in opioid-related emergency department visits. "This isn't trivial--a decline in opioid-related emergency department visits, even if only for six months, is a welcome public health development," said lead author Coleman Drake, Ph.D., assistant professor ...

AAN issues ethical guidance for dementia diagnosis and care

MINNEAPOLIS - The American Academy of Neurology (AAN), the world's largest association of neurologists with more than 36,000 members, is issuing ethical guidance for neurologists and neuroscience professionals who care for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. The new position statement is published in the July 12, 2021 online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. This update to the 1996 AAN position statement was developed by the Ethics, Law, and Humanities Committee, a joint committee of the American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society. "Dementia care and scientific understanding have advanced considerably, including greater recognition of non-Alzheimer's dementias and advances ...

Officers' tone of voice reflects racial disparities in policing

The Black Lives Matter movement has brought increasing attention to disparities in how police officers treat Black and white Americans. Now, research published by the American Psychological Association finds that disparity may exist even in subtle differences in officers' tone of voice when they address Black and white drivers during routine traffic stops. In the study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers gathered short audio excerpts from police body camera footage and found that when officers spoke to Black men at traffic stops, their tone of voice conveyed less warmth, respect and ease than when they spoke to white men. The researchers also found that these subtle negative interactions ...

Direct flights save lives! New airline routes can increase kidney sharing by more than 7%

INFORMS Journal Management Science Study Key Takeaways: Lack of direct airline routes limit the flexibility of organ transplantation policies. A new airline route can increase the number of kidneys shared between different regions by more than 7% while also decreasing the organ discard rate. An increase in the quantity of kidneys does not come with a decrease in kidney quality. CATONSVILLE, MD, July 12, 2021 - It's a supply and demand problem, it's a transportation problem, it's a donor problem - and that just scratches the surface. According ...

Demonstration of World Record: 319 Tb/s Transmission over 3,001 km with 4-core fiber

Demonstration of World Record: 319 Tb/s Transmission over 3,001 km with 4-core fiber
[Points] 319 Tb/s long-haul transmission of wideband (>120 nm) S, C and L-bands signal using 552 PDM-16QAM, wavelength-division multiplexed channels in a 4-core optical fiber Long-distance transmission over 3,001 km enabled by adoption of both erbium and thulium doped-fiber amplifiers and distributed Raman amplification Demonstration shows potential of SDM fibers with standard-cladding diameter and compatibility with existing cabling technologies for near-term adoption of high-throughput SDM fiber systems [Abstract] Researchers from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT, President: TOKUDA ...

Harnessing the dark side

Harnessing the dark side
When we think about singularities, we tend to think of massive black holes in faraway galaxies or a distant future with runaway AI, but singularities are all around us. Singularities are simply a place where certain parameters are undefined. The North and South Pole, for example, are what's known as coordinate singularities because they don't have a defined longitude. Optical singularities typically occur when the phase of light with a specific wavelength, or color, is undefined. These regions appear completely dark. Today, some optical singularities, including ...

Neutron-clustering effect in nuclear reactors demonstrated for first time

Neutron-clustering effect in nuclear reactors demonstrated for first time
Los Alamos, N.M., July 12, 2021--For the first time, the long-theorized neutron-clustering effect in nuclear reactors has been demonstrated, which could improve reactor safety and create more accurate simulations, according to a new study recently published in the journal Nature Communications Physics. "The neutron-clustering phenomenon had been theorized for years, but it had never been analyzed in a working reactor," said Nicholas Thompson, an engineer with the Los Alamos Advanced Nuclear Technology Group. "The findings indicate that, as neutrons fission and create more neutrons, some go on to form large lineages of clusters while others quickly die off, resulting in so-called 'power tilts,' ...

BU researchers develop novel, woman controlled contraceptive product

(Boston)--Despite the availability of numerous effective birth control methods, more than 40 percent of pregnancies worldwide are unintended. In addition to contributing significantly to population growth, unintended pregnancies can have pronounced adverse effects on maternal physical, mental and economic wellbeing. Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and ZabBio (San Diego, CA) have developed an anti-sperm monoclonal antibody, the Human Contraception Antibody (HCA), which they found to be safe and possess potent sperm agglutination (clumping) and immobilization activity in laboratory tests. "HCA appears to be suitable for contraceptive use and could be administered vaginally in a dissolvable film for a ...
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