UCSF-led study explains how early childhood vaccination reduces leukemia risk
A team led by UCSF researchers has discovered how a commonly administered vaccine protects against acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common type of childhood cancer.
The Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) vaccine not only prevents ear infections and meningitis caused by the Hib bacterium, but also protects against ALL, which accounts for approximately 25 percent of cancer diagnoses among children younger than 15 years, according to the National Cancer Society. The Hib vaccine is part of the standard vaccination schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease ...
Researchers make progress engineering digestive system tissues
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - May 18, 2015 - New proof-of-concept research at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine suggests the potential for engineering replacement intestine tissue in the lab, a treatment that could be applied to infants born with a short bowel and adults having large pieces of gut removed due to cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.
Lead researcher Khalil N Bitar, Ph.D., a professor at the institute, which is part of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, reported the results this week at Digestive Diseases Week in Washington, D.C. He also updated ...
Novel insights in MET-proto-oncogene might lead to optimizing cancer treatment
The MET-proto-oncogene is involved in the pathogenesis of several tumors and therefore represents an interesting target for future therapies currently tested in dozens of clinical trials. Veronica Finisguerra, Andrea Casazza, Max Mazzone and colleagues from VIB, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven now reveal that MET is needed for the recruitment of anti-tumoral neutrophils and puts a mechanism into action that promotes the killing of cancer cells. This means that the efficacy of a cancer therapy targeting MET in cancer cells will partly be countered by the pro-tumoral effect arising ...
Beyond the poppy: A new method of opium production
Moonshiners and home-brewers have long used yeast to convert sugar into alcohol. New research shows that those methods could also be adapted for something with more significant ramifications: the production of drugs including opiates, antibiotics, and anti-cancer therapeutics.
According to new studies by researchers from Concordia University in Montreal and the University of California, Berkeley, yeast can be engineered to convert sugar to alkaloids -- plant-derived compounds such as codeine and morphine, naturally produced in the opium poppy.
Collaborating on synthesis ...
Study highlights ways to boost weather and climate predictions
Long range weather forecasts and climate change projections could be significantly boosted by advances in our understanding of the relationship between layers of the Earth's atmosphere -- the stratosphere and troposphere.
A team of UK scientists have studied how a circulation changes in the stratosphere (above 10 km) can influence both weather and climate conditions on the surface of the Earth.
The experts, who include Professor Mark Baldwin from the University of Exeter, argue that the predictability and persistence of stratospheric events could help scientists enhance ...
Men with asthma less likely to develop lethal prostate cancer
In what they are calling a surprising finding in a large study of men who completed questionnaires and allowed scientists to review their medical records, Johns Hopkins researchers report that men with a history of asthma were less likely than those without it to develop lethal prostate cancer.
In their analysis of data collected from 47,880 men and described online Feb. 27 in the International Journal of Cancer, the scientists found that men with a history of asthma were 29 percent less likely to have been diagnosed with prostate cancer that spread or to have died of ...
Designing better medical implants
CAMBRIDGE, MA -- Biomedical devices that can be implanted in the body for drug delivery, tissue engineering, or sensing can help improve treatment for many diseases. However, such devices are often susceptible to attack by the immune system, which can render them useless.
A team of MIT researchers has come up with a way to reduce that immune-system rejection. In a study appearing in the May 18 issue of Nature Materials, they found that the geometry of implantable devices has a significant impact on how well the body will tolerate them.
Although the researchers expected ...
Cooling children after cardiac arrest provides no significant benefit
DETROIT, Mich., Monday, May 18, 2015 -- Although body-cooling has long been a standard of care in treating adults after heart attacks, a recently published multi-center study has concluded that the same procedure -- known as "therapeutic hypothermia" -- does not confer any survival-with-quality-of-life benefit for children who are resuscitated after suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The study noted hypothermia is no more effective than maintaining normal body temperature by preventing fever in the children being treated.
These surprising results, published April ...
When citizens disobey
When citizens stop complying with laws, the legitimacy of government comes into question, especially in nondemocratic states -- or so goes a prominent strand of political thinking. But what if citizens are doing something subtler, such as disobeying in order to enact smaller, more incremental changes?
That's the implication of a new study of political attitudes among people in rural China, an area where political scientists would not normally expect to see give-and-take between residents and the government.
The study, conducted by Lily Tsai, an associate professor of ...
Climate change altering frequency, intensity of hurricanes
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Climate change may be the driving force behind fewer, yet more powerful hurricanes and tropical storms, says a Florida State geography professor.
In a paper published today by Nature Climate Change, Professor Jim Elsner and his former graduate student Namyoung Kang found that rising ocean temperatures are having an effect on how many tropical storms and hurricanes develop each year.
"We're seeing fewer hurricanes, but the ones we do see are more intense," Elsner said. "When one comes, all hell can break loose."
Prior to this research, there had ...
OU geologist collaborates on study to determine mechanism associated with fault weakening
A University of Oklahoma structural geologist and collaborators are studying earthquake instability and the mechanisms associated with fault weakening during slip. The mechanism of this weakening is central to understanding earthquake sliding.
Ze'ev Reches, professor in the OU School of Geology and Geophysics, is using electron microscopy to examine velocity and temperature in two key observations: (1) a high-speed friction experiment on carbonate at conditions of shallow earthquakes, and (2) a high-pressure/high-temperature faulting experiment at conditions of very ...
Research community comes together to provide new 'gold standard' for genomic data analysis
TORONTO, ON (May 18, 2015) - Cancer research leaders at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Oregon Health & Science University, Sage Bionetworks, the distributed DREAM (Dialog for Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods) community and The University of California Santa Cruz published the first findings of the ICGC-TCGA-DREAM Somatic Mutation Calling (SMC) Challenge (The Challenge: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn312572) today in the journal Nature Methods. These results provide an important new benchmark for researchers, helping to define the most accurate ...
UCI neurobiologists restore youthful vigor to adult brains
Irvine, Calif., May 18, 2015 -- They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. The same can be said of the adult brain. Its connections are hard to change, while in children, novel experiences rapidly mold new connections during critical periods of brain development.
UC Irvine neurobiologist Sunil Gandhi and colleagues wanted to know whether the flexibility of the juvenile brain could be restored to the adult brain. Apparently, it can: They've successfully re-created a critical juvenile period in the brains of adult mice. In other words, the researchers have reactivated ...
Hard to understand, harder to remember
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 18, 2015 -- Struggling to understand someone else talking can be a taxing mental activity. A wide range of studies have already documented that individuals with hearing loss or who are listening to degraded speech -- for example, over a bad phone line or in a loud room -- have greater difficulty remembering and processing the spoken information than individuals who heard more clearly.
Now researchers at Washington University in St. Louis are investigating the relatively unexplored question of whether listening to accented speech similarly affects ...
Early detection and treatment of type 2 diabetes may reduce heart disease and mortality
ANN ARBOR, Mich. and CAMBRIDGE, England -- Screening to identify Type 2 diabetes followed by early treatment could result in substantial health benefits, according to new research published today in Diabetes Care that combined large scale clinical observations and innovative computer modelling.
The study, led by researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School and the MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, used data from the ADDITION-Europe study of diabetes screening and treatment, which it combined with a computer simulation model of diabetes progression. ...
Studying dynamics of ion channels
This news release is available in German.
Ion channels are essential structures of life. Ion channels are specialized pores in the cell membrane and move charged atoms known as ions in and out of cells, thereby controlling a wide variety of biological processes including brain function and heartbeat. Ion channels are generally selective for certain ions, allowing specific types of ions to flow through at very high rates, while hindering the flow of others. On the basis of this selective permeability, ion channels are classified as potassium channels, sodium channels, ...
What hundreds of biomolecules tell us about our nerve cells
Researchers at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), of the University of Luxembourg, have, under Dr. Manuel Buttini, successfully measured metabolic profiles, or the metabolomes, of different brain regions, and their findings could help better understand neurodegenerative diseases. The metabolome represents all or at least a large part of the metabolites in a given tissue, and thus, it gives a snapshot of its physiology.
„Our results, obtained in the mouse, are promising", says Manuel Buttini: "They open up new opportunities to better understand ...
A blood test for early detection of breast cancer metastasis
The chances of being cured of breast cancer have increased in recent decades, however if the tumour has metastasised, the disease remains essentially incurable. One reason for this could be that the metastases are detected late, after they have grown enough to cause symptoms or be seen on a radiological scan. If they could be found sooner, it might be possible to treat the new tumours. Research findings from Lund University in Sweden now provide new hope for a way of detecting metastases significantly earlier than is currently possible.
The discovery was made by a research ...
Why New York has the best bagels in the world (video)
WASHINGTON, May 18, 2015 -- This week, Reactions takes on New York City's bagel supremacy. Many agree that the Big Apple has the best bagels in the world, but many also disagree on why. Some say it's the tap water, others say it's the dough, and a few say it's purely attitude. We dive into the chemistry of these tasty breakfast treats with the help of a top chef. Take a bite of the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrjLz207SzY.
INFORMATION:Subscribe to the series at http://bit.ly/ACSReactions, and follow us on Twitter @ACSreactions to be the first to see our ...
Going my way? We think so, if we really want to get there, NYU study finds
Whether we're buying a ticket to a movie, catching a train, or shopping for groceries, the more committed we are to achieving that goal, the more likely we are to assume others have exactly the same objective, a study by New York University psychology researcher Janet Ahn shows.
The findings, which appear in the European Journal of Social Psychology, point to the types of assumptions we make about others' behavior, which may have an impact on social interaction. It may be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/1bZJf1D.
"If we're fixated on seeing that blockbuster film or purchasing ...
Poll finds many Americans know someone who has abused prescription painkillers
Boston, MA - In response to a new national poll on prescription painkiller abuse by The Boston Globe and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a live webcast with key government decision makers and the lead pollster will be broadcast on Monday, May 18 to discuss what the federal government and public health officials can do to mitigate the national problem of prescription painkiller abuse. Webcast details are below:
WHAT: Live webcast, "Opioid Painkiller Abuse: Ending the Crisis"
WHEN: Monday, May 18, 12:30-1:30 PM ET
WHO: Michael Botticelli, Director of National ...
Penn researchers develop liquid-crystal-based compound lenses that work like insect eyes
The compound eyes found in insects and some sea creatures are marvels of evolution. There, thousands of lenses work together to provide sophisticated information without the need for a sophisticated brain. Human artifice can only begin to approximate these naturally self-assembled structures, and, even then, they require painstaking manufacturing techniques.
Now, engineers and physicists at the University of Pennsylvania have shown how liquid crystals can be employed to create compound lenses similar to those found in nature. Taking advantage of the geometry in which ...
Why don't we recycle Styrofoam? (video)
WASHINGTON, May 14, 2015 -- You might be eating your lunch out of one right now, or eating your lunch with one right now. Polystyrene containers and utensils are found throughout the foodservice industry. The products are recyclable, so why does so much of this material end up in a landfill, and why have so many cities banned its use? Sophia Cai has the answers in this week's Speaking of Chemistry. Check it out here: http://youtu.be/OzTJ-SFbO2o
Speaking of Chemistry is a production of Chemical & Engineering News, a weekly magazine of the American Chemical Society. The ...
Stanford scientists discover how microbes acquire electricity in making methane
Stanford University scientists have solved a long-standing mystery about methanogens, unique microorganisms that transform electricity and carbon dioxide into methane.
In a new study, the Stanford team demonstrates for the first time how methanogens obtain electrons from solid surfaces. The discovery could help scientists design electrodes for microbial "factories" that produce methane gas and other compounds sustainably.
"There are several hypotheses to explain how electrons get from an electrode into a methanogen cell," said Stanford postdoctoral scholar Jörg ...
Temper, anxiety, homework trouble are medical issues? Many parents don't realize it
ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- Parents often bring their school-aged children to check-ups or sick visits armed with questions. What should he put on that rash? What about her cough that won't go away?
But when children's temper tantrums or mood swings are beyond the norm, or they are overwhelmed by homework organization, do parents speak up?
Today's University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health finds that many parents of children age 5-17 wouldn't discuss behavioral or emotional issues that could be signs of potential health problems ...
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