- Press Release Distribution

American MD Companies Launches New Website

American MD Companies has been a company devoted to providing quality medical billing services for 6 years now. They have also provided transcription services as well as collection services for their clients. American MD Companies is proud to work with many doctors from around the nation. Like many companies today. "We know the importance of providing information online about our company," says a representative of American MD Companies, "It became increasingly important to create a website when it was decided that we -American MD Companies - were going ...

Hypnotherapy Helps Fight Breast Cancer!

There are many studies supporting that a positive mind frame and mental state can have a healing effect on the body. Cancer patients specifically are often encouraged to engage in visualization to maximize healing success and help offset the challenges of Chemotherapy. Hypnosis can offer a wide variety of relief and support. Medical Hypnotherapist Dr. Steven Roth has observed dramatic changes in white blood cell counts using specific imagery. One of my patients was unable to continue Chemotherapy, due to a drastic drop in white blood cells. With the help of guided imagery ...

EU Announcement Could Impact Your Annuity Rate

EU Announcement Could Impact Your Annuity Rate
The European Union has announced new legislation that could potentially affect the annuity rates offered to both men and women. Under current rules, men often receive a higher annuity rate than women. However, the European Union has announced new legislation stipulating that gender should not affect the annuity rate that you are offered. The announcement follows similar changes that recently made to the insurance industry. After an anti gender discrimination ruling on car insurance was made recently in the European courts, most women (and many men too) have seen huge ...

Why More Choice Means Equity Release Scheme Advice is Essential

Why More Choice Means Equity Release Scheme Advice is Essential
As SimplyBiz Mortgages, the UK based provider of financial compliance services training and support, launches a UK equity release proposal for its members, looks at some of the benefits of equity release as an increasingly viable alternative to dwindling pension and annuity returns. The Mortgage Biz club's chief executive officer, Martin Reynolds is quoted in Mortgage Strategy as saying: "With pensions shortfalls equity release schemes are moving into the next stage of development. Where borrowers have no repayment vehicle in place, or ...

Dr. Pamela Marzban Offers Special to Bridal Showcase Attendees

Virginia cosmetic dentist, Dr. Pamela Marzban recently exhibited at the local Washington Bridal Showcase at the Patriot Center at George Mason University. Dr. Marzban spoke to the brides-to-be about cosmetic and general treatment options that can help give them a stunning smile on their big day. She is proud to announce a teeth whitening special to the attendants of the bridal showcase. They will be providing 10% off any whitening procedure; for each additional person they bring in they will take off another 5% off, and their referral will also receive an additional ...

Washington D.C. Dentists Now Offering Gum Depigmentation Treatments

The foundation of a beautiful smile starts with the appearance of healthy gums. Now, thanks to a new laser gum treatment offered by Washington Center for Dentistry, patients will be able to lighten and improve gum discoloration. The new gum bleaching procedure is now available to general and cosmetic dental patients in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia. The normal color of gum tissue is pink. However, due to high concentrations of melanin, gums can appear to have dark spots or black patches. Dark gum pigmentation often occurs with people who have dark ...

Washington D.C. Dentists Now Offering Dental Oral Appliances to Treat Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea isn't just about the snoring, it is one of the most common sleep disorders in the United States and is also often undiagnosed. Washington Center for Dentistry is proud to announce they have expanded their practice areas to include sleep apnea treatment for their Washington D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia patients. Sleep apnea is caused when breathing is interrupted during sleep- sometimes hundreds of times. People suffering from sleep apnea get restricted amounts of oxygen to the brain and the body. Sleep apnea sufferers often stay in a lighter sleep ...

New York Wants Spouses Awaiting Divorce Fairly Provided for Financially

New York Wants Spouses Awaiting Divorce Fairly Provided for Financially Divorce can be devastating financially for the spouse who makes less money during the time period when related legal matters are pending. Not uncommonly, when the decision to divorce is made, one spouse moves out of the family home pending resolution and two households are set up on the same number of dollars that previously supported one. Effective Oct. 12, 2010, a new temporary maintenance law took effect in the state of New York to address this and similar types of situations. What Is Temporary ...

Divorce in Oregon: Understanding the Basic Legal Issues

Divorce in Oregon: Understanding the Basic Legal Issues Most people understand some of the fundamentals about divorce in Oregon, from the benefits of crafting prenuptial agreements to the challenges of dividing marital assets. Oregon's family law statutes detail those and a range of related issues, from the distinctions between divorce and separation to methods of apportioning child or spousal support. Any spouse who is contemplating the need to end a marriage can benefit from a basic explanation of the most common legal issues. By further discussing those issues ...

Details of OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign For Construction Workers

Details of OSHA's Fall Prevention Campaign For Construction Workers According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. In 2010, 264 of the 774 total fatalities in construction were due to falls. Further, greater than 10,000 workers were injured as a result of construction falls. Falls are preventable, however, and OSHA - in conjunction with the American Society of Safety Engineers and The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - has launched a national fall prevention ...

2012 IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program Remains in Effect

2012 IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program Remains in Effect Among the many issues that can lead to a criminal tax investigation is a taxpayer's failure to disclose taxable offshore assets. In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service has renewed its Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) to give taxpayers incentives to comply with tax laws and potentially avoid penalties for tax evasion. Last summer, the IRS announced that it had collected more than $5 billion in back taxes, as well as penalties and interest, as a result of more than 33,000 disclosures ...

Fungal Meningitis Outbreak Leading To Lawsuits Against Steroid Maker

As of October 18, the multistate fungal meningitis outbreak has caused 20 deaths. The total number of reported cases has now risen to 257. With new fungal meningitis infections coming to light almost daily, many victims are looking for a meningitis outbreak lawyer with a national practice focus for help bringing suit against the maker of the steroid injections that have been linked to the deadly epidemic. Background of the Outbreak and Telltale Fungal Meningitis Symptoms As many as 14,000 patients were exposed to tainted steroid injections produced by the New England ...

Fewer College Students Accruing Credit Card Debt

A new Sallie Mae study found that fewer college students own credit cards, and the number has dropped during the past two years. Experts are encouraged by the study and say this shows hope for the long-term financial health of the students and their parents. There are many factors that contribute to the decrease in credit cards and credit card debt, but one of them is the credit card reform provisions of the Credit CARD Act of 2009 targeted towards students. Students Who do Own Credit Cards Paying Off Balances Students are avoiding debt by either not opening credit ...

Post Divorce Insurance Plans Are Important For Splitting Couples

If you're heading toward divorce, you likely have a lot on your mind. With all the other things going on in your life, it's possible that you haven't given a lot of thought to how your insurance needs will change as a single person. But, insurance is important in the wake of divorce. Knowing how to handle your health, life, home and auto insurance policies correctly can not only save you thousands of dollars, it can ensure you don't lack the coverage you need at a critical time. Health Insurance: Getting Your Own Coverage and the COBRA Safety Net In discussions ...

Town Ordinances Can Be Problematic for Texas' Registered Offenders

It has become increasingly common for towns across Texas to establish ordinances that greatly restrict the movement of registered sex offenders. The ordinances often force offenders out of towns entirely due to lack of housing far enough away from public areas where children are present. These ordinances go beyond Texas sex offender laws and can greatly impede on the rights of sex offenders to find adequate housing. Rash of Ordinances Appear in Texas Towns The state of Texas allows municipalities to enact town ordinances that restrict the movement of sex offenders ...

Medical Debt Responsible for Increasing Share of Texas Bankruptcies

It is a sad and unfortunate truth that medical expenses have skyrocketed over the last several years. The fact that so many people have lost their jobs -- and thus their health insurance -- during the recession has only made matters worse. Of course, a serious illness or injury can be financial devastating, even for people who have insurance. Between copays, deductibles and benefit caps, it does not take long for the bills to spiral out of control. Indeed, medical debt is now one of the leading causes of consumer bankruptcy, both in Texas and throughout the United States. According ...

Serious Car Accidents More Likely During Holidays and the Summer

To a certain extent, the risk of encountering a dangerous or deadly traffic accident is always present. No matter what day it is, some drivers will make the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, taking drugs or not getting enough sleep. Others will take their eyes off the road to send a text, program their GPS or play with the stereo. Add in speeders, red light-runners and a whole host of other dangerous but common behaviors, and it begins to become clear why 1,200 people were killed and another 12,800 were seriously injured in New York motor vehicle accidents ...

Supreme Court Reverses Third Circuit's Decision on Credit Bidding

The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed a ruling of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on a Chapter 11 bankruptcy issue known as credit bidding. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Chapter 11 reorganization plans cannot sell the property of a secured creditor without giving that creditor the opportunity to credit bid on it. Two Important Terms: Credit Bidding and Cramdown In order to understand the Supreme Court's recent decision, it is necessary to understand two key Chapter 11 bankruptcy terms: credit bidding and cramdown. In the Chapter 11 bankruptcy ...

Female Crash Test Dummies Now Used in Car Safety Tests

Car accidents have the potential to cause very serious injuries. Although nothing can completely erase the risk of harm that comes with a crash, good vehicle design can go a long way to minimize the severity of crash victims' injuries. Most people are probably aware that automobile manufacturers use crash-test dummies to measure the risk of injury in a car accident. These measurements are then translated into consumer safety ratings. However, many people may be surprised to learn that most of these safety rankings apply only to average-sized males. Until recently, automakers ...

National Safety Groups Promote Construction Fall Prevention

Construction zones are inherently dangerous, with job duties that often require working at extreme heights. Every year, 225 construction workers die and another 10,000 are injured in preventable falls. In 2010, 264 out of 774 total construction worker deaths were caused by falls. Now, several safety agencies, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), have launched campaigns to prevent falls and construction worker deaths. Safety Groups Team Up for Construction Fall Safety OSHA, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) ...

Possession of Child Pornography Sentences Often as Severe as Sexual Abuse

The sexual abuse of children is a serious matter. Public discussion has most recently centered on the Penn State scandal as many within the media debate the proper punishment that should be served not only against Jerry Sandusky but against the university as well. While this discussion is taking up media attention, another related discussion is gaining momentum among legal and legislative professional communities. This controversial topic focuses on the fact that over the past 22 years federal sentences for the possession of child pornography have increased dramatically, ...

Uninformed Students Have Highest Risk of Credit Card Troubles

There's no doubt about it, going to college is expensive. Between rent, food, books and the ever-increasing price of tuition, many Texas students find it hard to make ends meet. Since few students have the time to work as many hours as it would take to support themselves and still do well in school, many go into debt to pay the bills. When student loans don't provide enough support, they turn to credit cards. Although credit cards can be helpful for college students, they can also be very dangerous if not used carefully. A few mistakes or missed payments could start ...

More Employers Failing to Pay Proper Wages and Overtime in Florida

American workers are filing more lawsuits against employers than ever before. In 2012, wage and hour lawsuits are the highest they have been in 20 years. As of March 31, 2012, there were 7,064 federal wage and hour cases filed compared to the 1,184 cases filed in 2000. What are Wage and Hour Lawsuits? The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Florida state's employment laws dictate an employee's rights, as well as the legal remedy to enforce those rights. For example, in Florida: - Workers must be paid a minimum wage of $7.67. - Employees who receive tips ...

State Farm Under Investigation for Texas Hurricane Ike Insurance Denials

When you purchase insurance and pay your premiums every month, you expect that the insurance company will uphold its end of the bargain when a loss occurs. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Like all businesses, insurance companies are concerned about protecting their bottom lines. Sometimes, they try to save money by wrongfully denying valid claims. When it comes to dealing with insurance companies, small injustices happen every day. However, when a big event hits, it is much easier for insurance bad faith to be brought into the light. As a case in point, ...

Florida Man Fired for High Medicals Costs for Daughter's Cancer Treatments

A Florida man has sued his employer for wrongful termination, claiming that he was fired, not for falsifying time sheet records, as the company claims, but because of his daughter's high medical costs. The case shows employees that it is possible to hold employers responsible for wrongful termination. Man Asserts He Was Fired Due to Daughter's High Medical Expenses The Palm Beach County man was fired at his job at a bank on the pretext that he falsified his timesheet. However, the man believes the real reason he was let go was the high cost of his late daughter's ...
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