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Pan American Metals Advises Investors as Precious Metals Remains Steady Now is the Time to Buy as an Increase is Sure to Come

According to the Johnson Matthey report, 'Platinum 2011', published Monday, May16, there is every reason for investors to have confidence in platinum, as well as palladium, as a medium to long-term precious metal holding. The report shows that demand for platinum increased by 16% in 2010; resurgent growth in the automotive industry drastically reduced surplus supplies of platinum, leading the metal to close the year almost in balance. The company predicts an average platinum price of $1870 an ounce over the next six months. Palladium also fared well, according to the ...

"Apocalypse According To Doris" Highlighted At Akasha Metaphysical Film Fest, Carmel, CA; 6/25/11

"Apocalypse According To Doris" Highlighted At Akasha Metaphysical Film Fest, Carmel, CA; 6/25/11
This unusual film about our uncertain times examines the potential dangers of foreseeing the end-of-the-world by charismatic personaiities and was recently reviewed in indieWIRE, the online independent film daily by Sydney Levine, a well-known quantity in the international film scene - and she comments: "Both funny and emotional, it deals with the paranormal and conscious awakening, challenging us about who we are, how we act, and the meaning of existence." Writer/director Goss contends, "Everything you've heard about the so-called apocalypse" is ...

San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center Offers New hCG Weight Loss Treatment

San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center Offers New hCG Weight Loss Treatment
Dr. Usha Rajagopal, a board-certified plastic surgeon with offices in San Francisco, announced last week that her practice now offers hCG hormone injection treatments for men and women seeking an effective, viable weight loss solution. The hCG diet employs a twofold approach: Dieters simultaneously receive daily injections of hCG and follow a strict, low-calorie diet for between 26 and 43 days. The hCG hormone--which occurs naturally in pregnant women--boosts the metabolism and increases the body's ability to burn fat at a higher rate than normal, while at the same time ...

Demand For London Christmas Parties Doubles, Says Eventa

Demand For London Christmas Parties Doubles, Says Eventa
The number of enquiries received from people planning to attend a company Christmas event in London in 2011 has doubled. That's according to Eventa, one of the UK's leading provider of festive parties. The organisation compared the number of enquiries between January and May 2011 with the same period last year, and the results are staggering. "Since forming in 2009 we've gone from strength to strength," states Eventa CEO Rob Hill. "Not only are more people finding out about our services, but we have also got a much wider selection of events on the website ...

Swinglifestyle's Foxxy Friday at Trapeze

Swinglifestyles Foxxy Friday at Trapeze
Swinglifestyle and Trapeze Swinger Club are hosting a live radio broadcast. Come check them out in person as they broadcast their "Foxxxy Forum" show live from Trapeze in Fort Lauderdale. A few lucky attendees will be invited to talk with them on the air. Mark your calender for Friday, May 27th, at Trapeze in Fort Lauderdale. Swinglifestyle Member Discount: $15 off cover fee for those who register to attend by noon, Friday, May 27th. Don't wait...get on the foxxxy list today! This is a Memorial Weekend bash you do not wan to miss, filled with fun excitement ...

GeoCam Pro Launched - Free iOS Application for Video Recording, its Geolocation, Timing and Online Sharing

GeoCam Pro Launched - Free iOS Application for Video Recording, its Geolocation, Timing and Online Sharing
AdoreStudio Ltd has just released a new free application for Apple devices, such as iPhone, iPod and iPad 2. The utility not only records video but also immediately detects its recording time, location and track, then it automatically uploads the clip to At this video sharing service, each clip is embeded by a media player with geolocation and path displaying functions. At the program users can share their clips, assigning public status to them, or just store their recordings with private status for personal use. At the same time ... - Science and Innovation in the Islamic World on Show in Kuala Lumpur

Travellers can explore various historical periods at the Science and Innovation in the Islamic World exhibition at Kuala Lumpur's Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (IAMM). The display is on show until June 30th and shares the way in which scientific disciplines flourished during a number of golden ages in Islamic history. According to the organisers of the collection, the innovators who spurred on many advances in history are now nameless, with their western counterparts recognising the novelty of their discoveries and refining them. In a statement on the official IAMM ... - Champions Return for 13th Phuket International Rugby Tens

Any team aiming to capture the 13th Phuket International Rugby Tens title will need to overcome last year's winners the Kriel Roosters, who have confirmed their attendance. The annual tournament organised by local resident Patrick Cotter takes place from May 27th to 29th this year. As well as the South African Roosters, several other teams have stated they will participate, including the Australian side the Qantas Koalas, the Old Bangkok Bangers Colts from Thailand and Japan's Asian Japanese Dragons. There will be a varied programme of social events for participants ...

Cosmetic Dentist In Houston Expands Practice And Reaches Out To Patients Online

Premier dentists in Houston, Katy and Memorial, Drs. Trey Thompson and Rick Hammond, invite online savvy patients to visit their practice website to increase patient knowledge of dental health care and the practice. The practice's website contains a wealth of valuable information regarding dental health care, including dental problems, diagnoses and treatments. Patients are encouraged to visit the website for Hammond and Thompson Dental Group to access biographies on Drs. Thompson and Hammond, a list of services, an extensive educational library and an array of other ...

Ten Minutes That Could Save Your Life

Leading Pasadena cosmetic dentist, Dr. H. Robert Stender, urges patients to take advantage of oral cancer screenings. Just because you can't feel it, doesn't mean it isn't there. Just ask the more than 50,000 Americans who were diagnosed with cancers of the head and neck last year. Unfortunately, many Americans do not recognize the symptoms of these life-threatening diseases, which include cancers of the oral cavity, larynx and pharynx, and by the time they are diagnosed, for some, it's too late. Oral, head and neck cancers claim approximately 12,000 lives per year. ...

A Streamlined Parcel Delivery System is Key to Growth, Says Parcel2Go

A Streamlined Parcel Delivery System is Key to Growth, Says Parcel2Go
Sustained pressure on consumer spending means companies must make customer satisfaction their top priority, according to the UK's leading online parcel delivery service. A report released this week by economic think tank Ernst & Young's Item Club predicts that spending across the UK will only rise by 0.6 per cent this year, and by 1.3 per cent in 2012. The club believes consumer spending will not fully recover to pre-recession levels until 2013, meaning businesses will have to work harder than ever to ensure growth. Parcel2Go, which helps individuals and companies ...

Does eating give you pleasure, or make you anxious?

Perhaps the most puzzling symptom of anorexia nervosa – a disorder that tends to occur in young women – is the refusal to eat, resulting in extreme weight loss. While most people have a great deal of difficulty in dieting and losing weight, particularly if a diet extends over many months or years, individuals with anorexia nervosa can literally diet themselves to death. In fact, this disorder has a very high death rate from starvation. A new study, now online in the journal International Journal of Eating Disorders, sheds light on why these symptoms occur in anorexia ...

Breaking rules makes you seem powerful

Los Angeles, CA (May 18, 2011) When people have power, they act the part. Powerful people smile less, interrupt others, and speak in a louder voice. When people do not respect the basic rules of social behavior, they lead others to believe that they have power, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science (published by SAGE). People with power have a very different experience of the world than people without it. The powerful have fewer rules to follow, and they live in environments of money, knowledge and support. People without power ...

Gene-modified stem cells help protect bone marrow from toxic side effects of chemotherapy

SEATTLE – Although chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells, it can also have a strong toxic effect on normal cells such as bone marrow and blood cells, often limiting the ability to use and manage the chemotherapy treatment. Researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center reported at today's annual meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy in Seattle that one possible approach to reduce this toxic effect on bone marrow cells is to modify the cells with a gene that makes them resistant to chemotherapy. Hans-Peter Kiem, M.D., a member of the Hutchinson ...

Research provides insight into quality of stored blood used for transfusions

New research provides evidence for significant differences between new and old red blood cells used for transfusions and could provide a cheap, rapid and effective way to monitor the quality of blood supplies. Even with preservatives, blood stored in banks continues to age, resulting in biomaterials leaking from the red blood cells and subsequent changes to cell properties and function. There have been concerns raised worldwide about using older stored blood because of questions about various changes believed to affect the quality of the red blood cells. Currently, ...

Spiders suffer from human impact

Spiders suffer from human impact
Researchers from the King Juan Carlos University (URJC) have carried out a research study published in Biological Conservation, which looked at whether spiders were more tolerant of human impact than other animals. The answer was no: arachnids suffer the consequences of changes to their landscape just like any other animal. "The abundance and number of spider species is negatively affected by the impact of many human land uses, such as habitat fragmentation, fire and pesticides", Samuel Prieto-Benítez and Marcos Méndez, researchers at the URJC Biodiversity and Conservation ...

Leopoldina makes recommendations to the G8 heads of state and government

Together with the national science academies of the other G8 states, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has prepared two statements for the G8 states in the run-up to the G8 Summit of Heads of State and Government. The recommendations contained in these statements were now presented to the participating governments for the negotiations in Deauville, France on 26 and 27 May. In a statement on the topic of "Education for a Science-Based Global Development", the academies urge governments to target investment to establish an infrastructure for a globalization ...

Southampton scientists to help create a sustainable energy system for the UK

The University of Southampton is playing a key role in a major public/private partnership to evaluate the use of biomass to create a cost effective and sustainable UK energy system for 2050. Domestic biomass (a renewable energy source from living, or recently living organisms, such as plants, rubbish and wood), sustainably grown in the UK, could provide up to 10 per cent (1) of the UK's energy needs by 2050 and significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Three new bio energy projects launched by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), ...

First analysis of invasive plant impacts worldwide

This week the scientific journal Ecology Letters has published a synthesis of the ecological impacts of invasive plants worldwide. This global analysis has been based on more than one thousand studies that in total describe the impacts of 135 invasive plant species. The lead author, Dr. Montserrat Vilà, a professor at the Spanish Higher Research Council (CSIC) adds: "This assessment would have been impossible to achieve ten years ago, because the evidence was anecdotal, it has only been in the last decade that well designed field studies have been conducted". Twenty-four ...

Buying 'legal highs' from the Internet is a risky business

Many drugs sold as 'legal highs' on the internet do not contain the ingredients they claim. Some instead contain controlled substances and are illegal to sell over the internet. These are findings of Dr. Mark Baron, who bought a range of tablets from different websites to see what each contained. The study is published today in the journal Drug Testing and Analysis. "It is clear that consumers are buying products that they think contain specific substances, but that in reality the labels are unreliable indicators of the actual contents," says Dr. Baron, who works in the ...

Small insects attacks and kill amphibians much bigger than themselves

Small insects attacks and kill amphibians much bigger than themselves
VIDEO: Wizen and Gasith's current study shows that adult Epomis beetles can prey upon live amphibians, in addition to their regular diet. Click here for more information. New findings of researchers from Tel-Aviv University show that predator-prey interactions between ground beetles of the genus Epomis and amphibians are much more complex than expected. The study was published in the open access journal Zoo Keys. "Amphibians are typical insect predators and their diet ...

Better buildings for extreme climates will be focus of researcher's talk

Rima Taher, an expert in the design of low-rise buildings for extreme winds and hurricanes, will speak next week at the Annual Conference of Construction Specifications Canada (Devis de Construction Canada) in Montreal. Taher, a university lecturer in NJIT's College of Architecture and Design, is a civil and structural engineer, Construction Specifications Canada ( is a national, non-profit association with chapters across Canada. Its mission is to deliver and develop quality educational programs, publications ...

Iowa State engineer scales up process that could improve economics of ethanol production

Iowa State engineer scales up process that could improve economics of ethanol production
AMES, Iowa – Iowa State University's Hans van Leeuwen has moved his research team's award-winning idea for improving ethanol production from a laboratory to a pilot plant. Now he knows the idea, which produces a new animal feed and cleans water that can be recycled back into ethanol production, works more efficiently in batches of up to 350 gallons than on a lab bench. "We're learning we can reliably produce good quality and good quantities," said van Leeuwen, Iowa State's Vlasta Klima Balloun Professor of Engineering in the department of civil, construction and environmental ...

Diet high in vegetables and fruit associated with less weight gain in African-American women

(Boston) - Investigators from the Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University have reported that African American women who consumed a diet high in vegetables and fruit gained less weight over a 14-year period than those who consumed a diet high in red meat and fried foods. This is the first prospective study to show that a healthier diet is associated with less weight gain in African American women, a population with a high prevalence of obesity. The study results, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, were based on data from the Black Women's Health ...

Poor understanding of anesthesiologist's role during labor may affect maternal and fetal outcomes

TORONTO, Ont., May 20, 2011 – Today, one in four or five women in Ontario will give birth through a cesarean or "C-section." A new study, led by researchers from St. Michael's Hospital and The Wilson Centre for Research in Education and the Department of Anesthesia, University of Toronto, has found that many labour and delivery health professionals lack a clear understanding of the anesthesiologist's role as a physician with specialized skills in the management of seriously unwell pregnant patients. This role misperception may affect the quality of care delivered to mothers ...
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