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Clinical trial of HIV vaccine begins in United States and South Africa

Clinical trial of HIV vaccine begins in United States and South Africa
WHAT: A trial of a preventive HIV vaccine candidate has begun enrollment in the United States and South Africa. The Phase 1 trial will evaluate a novel vaccine known as VIR-1388 for its safety and ability to induce an HIV-specific immune response in people. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, has provided scientific and financial support throughout the lifecycle of this HIV vaccine concept and is contributing funding for this study.  VIR-1388 is designed to instruct the ...

Five new health systems partner with American Thoracic Society on vaccine initiative

Five new health systems partner with American Thoracic Society on vaccine initiative
NEW YORK, NY – Sept. 20, 2023 – As cities brace for a confluence of flu, COVID-19, pneumonia, and RSV infections this fall, the American Thoracic Society announced that five new health systems have partnered with the Society to improve vaccination rates.  Grady Health System (Atlanta, GA), Meharry Medical College (Nashville, TN), St. Luke’s Health System (Boise, ID), the University of Colorado (Aurora, CO), and Wayne Health (Detroit, MI) join the University of Arizona/ Banner Health, West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc., and San Francisco Health Network/ University of California to help identify barriers to vaccination and find ...

Mount Sinai receives $6.2 million grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation for the clinical care of long Lyme disease

  Mount Sinai’s Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance has announced a $6.2 million grant from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation. The grant will expand the Cohen Center for Recovery From Complex Chronic Illnesses (CoRE) to encompass research and clinical care beyond long COVID to include “long Lyme Disease/Lyme+” as well as other infection-associated complex chronic illnesses. This funding will be used for new research programs focusing on understanding and highlighting the key similarities and differences between long COVID; long Lyme disease/Lyme+, a collection of infection-associated ...

Citizen Science receives a significant boost

Citizen Science receives a significant boost
There is a growing interest in incorporating assistance from private citizens into scientific projects globally. Nonetheless, it seems that Anders P. Tøttrup, an Associate Professor at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, might become the world's first professor in Citizen Science. Anders P. Tøttrup is a trained biologist and leads the section for Citizen Science projects at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. These projects involve scientific endeavours in which citizens are invited to assist in collecting and analyzing data. Now, the Museum is taking a step further as Anders P. Tøttrup enters a 'professor track.' The goal is ...

Urban light pollution linked to smaller eyes in birds

Urban light pollution linked to smaller eyes in birds
PULLMAN, Wash. – The bright lights of big cities could be causing an evolutionary adaptation for smaller eyes in some birds, a new study indicates. Researchers found that two common songbirds, the Northern Cardinal and Carolina Wren, that live year-round in the urban core of San Antonio, Texas, had eyes about 5% smaller than members of the same species from the less bright outskirts. Researchers found no eye-size difference for two species of migratory birds, the Painted Bunting and White-eyed Vireo, no matter which part of the city ...

Novel organic light-emitting diode with ultralow turn-on voltage for blue emission

Novel organic light-emitting diode with ultralow turn-on voltage for blue emission
An upconversion organic light-emitting diode (OLED) based on a typical blue-fluorescence emitter achieves emission at an ultralow turn-on voltage of 1.47 V, as demonstrated by researchers from Tokyo Tech. Their technology circumvents the traditional high voltage requirement for blue OLEDs, leading to potential advancements in commercial smartphone and large screen displays. Blue light is vital for light-emitting devices, lighting applications, as well as smartphone screens and large screen displays. However, it is challenging to develop efficient blue organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) ...

Canadian older adults with COPD faced high levels of depression during the COVID pandemic

A new longitudinal study published online in the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease found that older adults with COPD had a heightened risk of depression during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Researchers examined a sample of 875 individuals with COPD from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, a national study of Canadian older adults. Using longitudinal data, researchers were able to differentiate between 369 respondents with COPD who had a pre-pandemic history of depression and 506 respondents who had never experienced ...

Targeting Epstein-Barr virus to treat and prevent MS

Targeting Epstein-Barr virus to treat and prevent MS
Recent evidence strongly implicates infection by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) as the trigger for development of multiple sclerosis (MS).  An international research team is now gathering to unveil the role of EBV in the onset and progression of the MS disease. The team has ambitious goals:  “We aim to find out why only a few EBV infected people develop MS, and define the underlying mechanism of this process”, explains the principal investigator (PI), Professor Kjell-Morten Myhr of the University of Bergen. “Our research will also seek to investigate if targeting the EBV infection with antiviral treatments can improve the disease course or even stop ...

Can cognitive-behavioral therapy lessen fibromyalgia pain?

In a recent randomized clinical trial of patients with fibromyalgia, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)—which uses structured techniques to alter distorted thoughts and negative moods—was superior to a matched education treatment in reducing the interfering effects of pain and other aspects of fibromyalgia on daily living. Within the group that received CBT in the trial, which is published in Arthritis & Rheumatology, improvements were at least partly attributable to reductions in what’s known as catastrophizing, a state comprised of cognitive and emotional processes such as helplessness, rumination, and magnification of ...

Can creatine supplements help people suffering from post-COVID-19 fatigue?

The amino acid creatine is essential for muscle and brain health, and people commonly use creatine supplements to improve exercise performance and increase muscle mass. Results from a recent clinical trial published in Food Science & Nutrition indicate that dietary creatine may also benefit individuals experiencing post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome (also known as long COVID). In the trial, 12 people with post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome were randomized to take a placebo or 4 grams of creatine monohydrate per day for ...

How will sea level rise affect the health of freshwater mussels and other salt-sensitive species?

Investigators recently studied several species of freshwater mussels, which are endangered and are especially sensitive to changes in water quality, to explore the ramifications of sea-level rise in coastal rivers. The research published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry determined the concentration of sea salt that would harm the viability of young mussels. The study focused on the ecosystems along the southeastern US coast, where sea-level measurements have indicated rising waters from 2 to 6mm per year. By detailing the levels in which salt water is toxic to mussels at various life stages, the results can provide guidance for conservation programs ...

Can artificial intelligence predict the risk of dying in the years following a hip fracture?

A new study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research indicates that an artificial intelligence–based model trained on basic blood and lab test data as well as basic demographic data can predict a patient’s risk of death within 1-, 5-, and 10-years of experiencing a hip fracture. In the analysis of 3,751 hip fracture patient records from two in‐hospital database systems at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, the 1‐year mortality rate for all patients was 21% and for those aged 80 years and older was 29%. After assessing 10 different machine learning classification ...

Study reveals the most important considerations for grizzly bear conservation

Humans negatively impact the health of grizzly bear populations through top-down influences like direct mortality associated with forestry roads (from conflict or illegal killings) and displacement from high quality habitats, and through bottom-up influences like reducing availability of food resources. Research published in Wildlife Monographs reveals the relationship between these forces, informing a strategic conservation program. Investigators radio-collared and followed numerous grizzly bears over multiple years in southeastern British Columbia. They found an interesting interplay between the most important bottom-up factor, ...

Cognitive behavioral therapy eases how fibromyalgia pain is experienced by the brain

Patients living with fibromyalgia (FM) – a disease that predominantly affects women and is characterized by chronic pain, fatigue and brain fog – often find limited treatment options and a scarcity of explanations for their symptoms. Research led by Mass General Brigham investigators has found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can significantly reduce the burden of FM by, in part, reducing pain-catastrophizing, a negative cognitive and emotional response that can intensify pain through feelings of helplessness, rumination and intrusive thoughts. This finding is backed by neuroimaging ...

How bats evolved to avoid cancer

How bats evolved to avoid cancer
A new paper in Genome Biology and Evolution, published by Oxford University Press, shows that rapid evolution in bats may account for the animals’ extraordinary ability to both host and survive infections as well as avoid cancer.  Bats are exceptional among mammals for not only their ability to fly but also their long lives, low cancer rates, and robust immune systems. Bats are also thought to have played a role in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. The ability of bats to tolerate viral infections may stem from unusual features ...

High-quality single-cell transcriptomics from tissue sections reveals histology-associated heterogeneity of mouse follicles

High-quality single-cell transcriptomics from tissue sections reveals histology-associated heterogeneity of mouse follicles
【Summary】  A research group led by Professor Kazuki Kurimoto and Assistant Professor Hiroki Ikeda from the Department of Embryology at Nara Medical University has developed a highly sensitive method for quantitative single-cell transcriptome analysis, which enables the precise examination of cells extracted from tissue sections using laser capture microdissection (LCM), and named the method DRaqL (Direct RNA recovery and quenching for LCM). Moreover, this method allows quantification of exon-exon junctions of mRNA. In an application of DRaqL to mouse ovarian sections, the research group established a predictive model for oocyte transcriptomes based on their diameter. Remarkably, ...

A hot summer led to more malaria deaths the following year

A hot summer led to more malaria deaths the following year
As climate change accelerates, it is becoming increasingly important to study the impact of climate change on human health. A new thesis from the University of Gothenburg examines church records and historical weather data in the Nordic countries to show that the risk of dying from malaria was higher if the previous summer was a hot one. The growing impact of climate change on human health is an acute global threat in the 21st century. The rise in certain types of extreme weather events is not only affecting individuals, but also putting ecosystems that are closely linked to our health under pressure. “As the climate grows warmer, there is a risk of insect-borne ...

Shading the Great Barrier Reef from the sun might slow bleaching-induced coral decline

Over the past two decades, coral reefs have declined at unprecedented rates. This is in part because of extreme weather events, which cause wide-spread coral bleaching, a process during which corals lose their color because of stressors, including changes in water temperature, light, or nutrient availability. One of the worst mass bleaching events occurred in 2016 and 2017 on the Great Barrier Reef, causing bleaching on 91% of the system’s reefs. As frequency and severity of mass bleaching events are expected to increase in the future, researchers are looking for ways to protect corals from excessive radiation and temperatures. As part of the Cooling and Shading ...

New method makes microcombs ten times more efficient

New method makes microcombs ten times more efficient
Microcombs can help us discover planets outside our solar system and track new diseases in our bodies. But current microcombs are inefficient and unable to reach their full potential. Now, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have scored a world first with their solution to make microcombs ten times more efficient. Their breakthrough opens the way to new discoveries in space and healthcare and paves the way for high-performance lasers in a range of other technologies. Laser frequency ...

Over 50s with ADHD ‘overlooked’ for diagnosis and treatment, say experts

Doctors urgently need better international guidance on treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the over 50s, conclude world-leading experts reviewing current research on this increasing issue globally. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, the team’s findings highlight a ‘striking’ gap in knowledge about older people as existing guidelines focus on children and young adults. “Our analysis concludes that better approaches are urgently required to screen and diagnose people aged from around age 50 to 55,” says lead author Dr Maja Dobrosavljevic ...

New evidence confirms patients with severe psoriasis are at a higher risk for heart disease

New evidence confirms patients with severe psoriasis are at a higher risk for heart disease
Philadelphia, September 20, 2023 – In the largest study to date exploring the relationship between severe psoriasis and coronary microvascular dysfunction, researchers have found further evidence that patients with severe psoriasis are at higher cardiovascular risk. The results are published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, published by Elsevier. Psoriasis is a chronic systemic immune-mediated inflammatory disease that affects 1-3% of the global population. In this study, a total of 503 patients with psoriasis, and without clinical cardiovascular disease, underwent transthoracic Doppler echocardiography to evaluate coronary microcirculation. ...

Google could play a big role in protecting the health of American children

Applying Google’s own nutrition advertising policy to the US market would slash the number of products from the country’s top 25 food and beverage manufacturers that could be marketed to children online, according to new research from The George Institute for Global Health.  Published today in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the findings suggest the global company could play a significant role in improving the health of future generations by reducing their exposure to, and preference for, unhealthy foods and drinks.  Lead author Dr Elizabeth Dunford, Research ...

Should we screen all newborns for neurodevelopmental disorders?

Expanding newborn screening (NBS) to include identifying genes associated with an increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) would cause more harm than good, according to an article published in Pediatrics. While some experts believe early identification of NDDs in the newborn period would provide an equitable way to flag and treat disabilities early, the authors of the new paper contend that broader genomic sequencing would worsen existing health disparities.    “The benefit of early genomic screening hinges upon the ability ...

Creation of training data to estimate the states of care robot users

Creation of training data to estimate the states of care robot users
Overview A research team led by Assistant Professor Mizuki Takeda from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, has developed a technique to generate training data for robots that operate based on estimations of the user’s state using machine learning. To date, some methods based on machine learning have been proposed to estimate the state of a robot users using candidate points for the position of the center of gravity. However, for such learning, training data corresponding to when the robot is used to support movements are required. The above-mentioned research ...

How good is Google Bard’s visual understanding? An empirical study on open challenges

How good is Google Bard’s visual understanding? An empirical study on open challenges
Bard, Google’s AI chatbot, based on LaMDA and later PaLM models, was launched with moderate success in March 2023 before expanding globally in May. It’s a generative AI that accepts prompts and performs text-based tasks like providing answers, and summaries, and creating various forms of text content. On 13 July 2023, Google Bard announced a major update which allowed providing images as inputs together with textual prompts. It was claimed that Bard can analyze visual content and provide a description (e.g., image captions) or answer questions using visual ...
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