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New survey: Only about half of men can remember their last medical check-up

New survey: Only about half of men can remember their last medical check-up
Clermont, Florida. (June 8, 2015) - A new national survey about men and their cars, commissioned by Orlando Health, found that more than 80 percent of men could remember the make and model of their first car, but only about half could remember the last time they went to the doctor for a check-up. The survey of approximately 1,000 men is being released in conjunction with the start of the Drive For Men's Health, a cross-country event where two of the top men's health surgeons in the US will travel 6,008 miles to promote awareness on various men's health topics. ...

New study describes cancer's cheating ways

New study describes cancers cheating ways
Cancer cells share certain traits with anti-social members of human society. They shirk community responsibilities and engage in behavior aimed at fulfilling their selfish needs at the expense of the greater good. In a new study, Athena Aktipis, a researcher at Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute, along with her international colleagues, explore the ways in which cancers bypass the protective mechanisms used by multicellular forms to ensure their survival and wellbeing. The paper identifies five foundations of multicellularity; maintenance factors present ...

Leaky pipes can allow contaminants into our drinking water

The study, by engineers at the University of Sheffield, is the first to prove conclusively that contaminants can enter pipes through leaks and be transported through the pipe network. The pressure in mains water pipes usually forces water out through leaks, preventing anything else from getting in. But when there is a significant pressure drop in a damaged section of pipe, water surrounding the pipe can be sucked in through the hole. It had been assumed that only clean water from the leak would be sucked in, and that even if contaminants were sucked in these would ...

People want access to their own genomic data, even when uninterpretable

Glasgow, United Kingdom: The largest study to date of attitudes towards the use of genomic information shows that the majority of people want access to results from genome sequencing, even if these are not directly related to the condition for which the analysis has been undertaken. This applies even when the data are not health-related or are simply 'raw', a researcher will tell the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today (Monday). Dr Anna Middleton, a Principal Staff Scientist at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK, will describe ...

Current mobile contracts damaging the environment, research finds

Research published today in the journal the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment has called for an overhaul of the way mobile devices are manufactured and contracted, in order to stop the harmful effects on the environment caused by current business models. Researchers from the University of Surrey analysed studies on the lifespan of mobile devices, from manufacture, use and disposal to see what impact each stage had on the environment. Through their investigation, they concluded that the current mobile business model, driven by frequent upgrades, is costing ...

Massachusetts General Hospital launches phase II trial of BCG vaccine to reverse type 1 diabetes

A phase II clinical trial testing the ability of the generic vaccine bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) to reverse advanced type 1 diabetes has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The approval of this trial, which will shortly begin enrolling qualified patients, was announced today at the 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) by Denise Faustman, MD, PhD, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Immunobiology Laboratory and principal investigator of the study. The five-year trial will investigate ...

50 years of diabetes research and treatment

BOSTON (June 6, 2015) - From how people test their glucose levels to how long they can expect to live, almost everything has changed over the past 50 years for Americans with diabetes. A special symposium held at the American Diabetes Association's 75th Scientific Sessions features a look back at what physicians and researchers have learned and how the lives of patients have changed during the past five decades. "There are things that have happened over the past 50 years that clearly make life a lot better for people," said Fred Whitehouse, MD, Division Head Emeritus ...

Novel genetic mutations may arise during early embryonic development

Until now, de novo genetic mutations, alterations in a gene found for the first time in one family member, were believed to be mainly the result of new mutations in the sperm or eggs (germline) of one of the parents and passed on to their child. Researchers from The Netherlands have now succeeded in determining that at least 6.5% of de novo mutations occur during the development of the child (post-zygotic) rather than from the germline of a parent. The research is published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics*. Christian Gilissen, PhD, Assistant Professor ...

Discovery of new genetic mutation in aortic disease allows better diagnosis

Glasgow, United Kingdom: Thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD), an enlargement or tearing of the walls of the aorta in the chest, is, together with abdominal aortic aneurysms, responsible for about 2% of all deaths in Western countries. The aorta is the largest artery in the body, and carries blood from the heart. About one out of every five patients with TAAD has a family member with the same disorder, therefore indicating a genetic cause. However, the relevant genetic mutations discovered so far only explain about 30% of all cases. Through the study of a large ...

Noninvasive prenatal testing: Effective, safe, preferred by parents

Glasgow, United Kingdom: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for Down's syndrome is feasible, acceptable to parents, and could be introduced into the National Health Service (NHS), UK researchers say. The results of a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) study carried out by the first NHS laboratory to provide NIPT testing will be reported to the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today (Saturday). Presenting her team's findings, Professor Lyn Chitty, from the UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK, ...

First national study of noninvasive prenatal testing shows it works

Glasgow, United Kingdom: Results from a national study of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in women at high risk of having a baby with Down's syndrome will be presented at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today (Saturday). The Netherlands is the first country in the world to include NIPT in a government supported, healthcare-funded trisomy syndrome screening programme. In many other countries, such screening is offered by commercial companies and without governmental guidance, so studying the accuracy of the programme and its acceptability ...

Noninvasive prenatal fetal testing can detect early stage cancer in mothers

Glasgow, United Kingdom: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for chromosomal foetal disorders is used increasingly to test for conditions such as Down's syndrome. NIPT examines DNA from the foetus in the mother's blood, and therefore does not carry the risk of miscarriage involved in invasive testing methods. Now, for the first time, researchers have found another advantage of NIPT; it can detect maternal cancers at an early stage, before symptoms appear. The study, to be presented to the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today (Saturday), is ...

Rabbit virus improves bone marrow transplants, kills some cancer cells

University of Florida Health researchers have discovered that a rabbit virus can deliver a one-two punch, killing some kinds of cancer cells while eliminating a common and dangerous complication of bone marrow transplants. For patients with blood cancers such as leukemia and multiple myeloma, a bone marrow transplant can be both curative and perilous. It replenishes marrow lost to disease or chemotherapy but raises the risk that newly transplanted white blood cells will attack the recipient's body. Now researchers say the myxoma virus, found in rabbits, can do double ...

Research reveals key interaction that opens the channel into the cell's nucleus

Research reveals key interaction that opens the channel into the cells nucleus
Cells have devised many structures for transporting molecular cargo across their protective borders, but the nuclear pore complex, with its flower-like, eight-fold symmetry, stands out. Monstrously large by cellular standards, as well as versatile, this elaborate portal controls access to and exit from the headquarters of the cell, the nucleus. In research published June 4 in Cell, Rockefeller University scientists have uncovered crucial steps in the dynamic dance that dilates and constricts the nuclear pore complex -- the latest advance in their ongoing efforts to tease ...

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite gets colorful look at Hurricane Blanca

NASA-NOAAs Suomi NPP satellite gets colorful look at Hurricane Blanca
NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over Hurricane Blanca in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and gathered infrared data on the storm that was false-colored to show locations of the strongest thunderstorms within the storm. The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite or VIIRS instrument aboard the satellite gathered infrared data of the storm that was made into an image at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The image was false-colored to show temperature. Coldest cloud top temperatures indicate higher, stronger, thunderstorms within a tropical cyclone. Those are typically ...

Fruit fly genetics reveal pesticide resistance and insight into cancer

Fruit fly genetics reveal pesticide resistance and insight into cancer
For being so small, fruit flies have had a large impact on genetic research. Thomas Werner, an assistant professor of biological sciences at Michigan Technological University, has bridged the miniscule and the massive in an effort to better understand the mechanisms behind several unique features of fruit fly genes. Over the past week, several studies that Werner co-authored have been published in PLoS ONE, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Nature Education. All are linked by Drosophila--a genus of fruit flies--and the insights that fruit fly genetics ...

Paleo-engineering: New study reveals complexity of Triceratops' teeth

Paleo-engineering: New study reveals complexity of Triceratops teeth
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- When it comes to the three-horned dinosaur called the Triceratops, science is showing the ancient creatures might have been a little more complex than we thought. In fact, their teeth were far more intricate than any reptile or mammal living today. Biological Science Professor Gregory Erickson and a multiuniversity team composed of engineers and paleontologists content that the Triceratops developed teeth that could finely slice through dense material giving them a richer and more varied diet than modern-day reptiles. Erickson and the team ...

Diverse coral communities persist, but bioerosion escalates in Palau's low-pH waters

As the ocean absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) released by the burning of fossil fuels, its chemistry is changing. The CO2 reacts with water molecules, lowering the ocean's pH in a process known as ocean acidification. This process also removes carbonate ions, an essential ingredient needed by corals and other organisms to build their skeletons and shells. Will some corals be able to adapt to these rapidly changing conditions? If so, what will these coral reefs look like as the oceans become more acidic? In addition to laboratory experiments that simulate future ...

TGen led study points towards new strategies for stopping the spread of Staph and MRSA

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- June 5, 2015 -- Staphylococcus aureus -- better known as Staph -- is a common inhabitant of the human nose, and people who carry it are at increased risk for dangerous Staph infections. However, it may be possible to exclude these unwelcome guests using other more benign bacteria, according to a new study led by scientists representing the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), the Statens Serum Institut, and Milken Institute School of Public Health (SPH) at the George Washington University. The study, published today in the AAAS journal ...

Daily sugar-sweetened beverage habit linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

BOSTON (June 5, 2015) - A daily sugar-sweetened beverage habit may increase the risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), researchers from the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HRNCA) at Tufts University report today in the Journal of Hepatology. The researchers analyzed 2,634 self-reported dietary questionnaires from mostly Caucasian middle-aged men and women enrolled in the National Heart Lunch and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Framingham Heart Study's Offspring and Third Generation cohorts. The sugar-sweetened beverages on the questionnaires ...

Joint statement outlines guidance on diabetes self-management education, support

BOSTON (June 5, 2015) -- A joint position statement outlining when, how and what type of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSME/S) should be delivered to patients is being released today at the American Diabetes Association's 75th Scientific Sessions. The statement is also being published online concurrently in Diabetes Care, The Diabetes Educator and the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The statement -- written by representatives of the American Diabetes Association, American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) and the Academy of ...

Tiny but precise: The most accurate quantum thermometers

Scientists have defined the smallest, most accurate thermometer allowed by the laws of physics -- one that could detect the smallest fluctuations in microscopic regions, such as the variations within a biological cell. The research, involving mathematicians at The University of Nottingham and published in the latest edition of the journal Physical Review Letters, focuses on the sensitivity of thermometers made up of just a handful of atoms and small enough to exhibit distinctive 'quantum' features. Devising sensitive and practical nano-scale thermometers would represent ...

Why good people do bad things

Honest behavior is much like sticking to a diet. When facing an ethical dilemma, being aware of the temptation before it happens and thinking about the long-term consequences of misbehaving could help more people do the right thing, according to a new study. The study, "Anticipating and Resisting the Temptation to Behave Unethically," by University of Chicago Booth School of Business Behavioral Science and Marketing Professor Ayelet Fishbach and Rutgers Business School Assistant Professor Oliver J. Sheldon, was recently published in the Personality and Social Psychology ...

Moving sector walls on the nano scale

This news release is available in German. Most magnetic materials have a structure that is somewhat more complicated than a commercially available domestic magnet: they not only have a north and south pole, but a variety of sectors, often only a few nanometres in size, in each of which the magnetic axis points in a different direction. These sectors are referred to as domains. Over the past few years, Manfred Fiebig, Professor for Multifunctional Ferroics at ETH Zurich, has been studying the walls between adjoining domains in certain materials. "The inner workings of ...

Research published about unexpected complications of low-risk pregnancies

When a woman becomes pregnant or is planning a pregnancy, one of her first decisions is where she will deliver her baby. With options ranging from birthing centers to small community hospitals to regional health networks to academic medical centers, the decision can be confusing. The question, especially for a woman with a low-risk pregnancy, is "What is the likelihood that something could go wrong?" Research on this topic has been published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The research was conducted by Valery A. Danilack, MPH, PhD, postdoctoral ...
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